Montreal comiccon 2024: July 5-7

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[ENGLISH] French below!
Hello there! Please read the below information carefully, there is a lot of important points!

2024 is quickly approaching and this time, we are trying hard to be prepared earlier! SO, this is a ROLL CALL! We need to know who wants to staff at the booth for Montreal comiccon 2024! PLEASE fill up the form as soon as possible, as we need to provide the con with an exact badge number we'll need! It would be awesome if we could get a final answer from everyone before the end of 2023! Feel free to write to Zachary , me or WZProps if you have any questions!

FILL THE FORM: Be a part of the 405th booth

Please don’t forget, having an exhibitor Badge is a privilege. It gives us certain special access and perks that regular attendees do not have.
With that in mind, here are the requirements to join the booth staff:
  • You must be a member of the 405th.
  • You must have read the 405 event rules & the 405th Costuming Club Mantle and understand the rules and responsibility of representing the club in an official capacity
  • You must be 18+ or 16+ with a parent staff member. (children under 16 are not allowed on show floor by the conventions before its open to general public)
  • You must participate in either of these 2 roles: Costumed staff or Group Handler staff (or a mix of both).
  • You must be present and staffing the booth for at least 1 full day*.
*As mentioned above, free badges are limited, therefore, we will prioritize handing them out to members staffing the most days at cons.

Little reminder, a voluntary monetary contribution from staff members during the weekend will be highly appreciated. These contributions will go towards paying for necessities for the group during an event, such as beverages, food/snacks, etc… You’re welcomed to give the amount of your choice, but we established that $20 is a good base that should get us covered. If there is excess funds after an event concludes, they will go back directly into the booth, either to purchase additional supplies or fund projects.

!Important information!
Convention website:
Montreal comiccon website
Booth size: We are hoping for a 20'x 30' like last year. Will be confirmed.
Are badges free: Yes, badges are provided by the con!
Will food be provided: Not this time, no. However, we'll offer food planning for those who wants to participate.
Handlers needed: 2 per day minimum
Is a changing/stocking room available: We had one last year, will need to confirm for 2024.
  • July 4, 2024 - (Setup) hours to come
  • July 5, 2024 - 12pm - 8pm
  • July 6, 2024 - 9pm-7pm
  • July 7, 2024 - 9:30am-5pm | (Teardown) hours to come
Confirmed members:
Salut! S'il-vous-plait, lisez le texte suivant avec attention! Il contient beaucoup de points importants!

2024 approches rapidement et cette fois-ci, nous essayons fort d'être prêt d'avance! DONC, voici un ROLL CALL! On a besoin de savoir qui veut staffer au booth pour Montreal comiccon 2024! SVP remplissez le formulaire DÈS QUE POSSIBLE, parce qu'on doit donner à la convention un nombre précis de badges qu'on va avoir besoin! Ce serait vraiment génial si on pouvait avoir une réponse définitive d'ici la fin de l'année 2023 svp! Si vous avez des questions, écrivez à Zachary , moi ou à WZProps !

REMPLISSEZ LE FORMULAIRE: Be a part of the 405th booth

SVP ne pas oublier, avoir un badge exposant c'est un privilège. Cela nous donne certains accès spéciaux et avantages que les participants réguliers n'ont pas.
Dans cet esprit, voici les critères pour joindre le staff d'un booth :
  • Vous devez être membre de la 405e.
  • Vous devez avoir lu le "405 event rules" et "405th Costuming Club Mantle" et comprendre les règles et responsabilitiées de représenter le club dans une capacité officielle.
  • Vous devez avoir 18+ ou 16+ avec un parent membre du personnel. (les enfants de moins de 16 ans ne sont pas admis dans l'exposition par les conventions avant son ouverture au grand public)
  • Vous devez participer à l'un de ces 2 rôles : personnel costumé ou personnel de gestionnaire de groupe (ou un mélange des deux).
  • Vous devez être présent et occuper le booth pendant au moins 1 journée complète*.
*Comme mentionné ci-dessus, les badges gratuits sont limités, nous donnerons donc la priorité à leur distribution aux membres travaillant le plus de jours pendant la convention.

Petit rappel, une contribution monétaire volontaire des membres du personnel pendant le week-end serait grandement appréciée. Ces contributions serviront à payer les nécessités du groupe lors d'un événement, telles que les boissons, la nourriture/les collations, etc. Vous pouvez donner le montant de votre choix, mais nous avons établi que 20 $ est une bonne base qui devrait nous couvrir. S'il y a des fonds excédentaires après la fin d'un événement, ils retourneront directement au stand, soit pour acheter des fournitures supplémentaires, soit pour financer des projets.

!Information importante!
Site web de la convention:
Montreal comiccon website
Taille du booth: nous espérons avoir un 20'x 30' comme l'an passé. À confirmer.
Les badges sont gratuit: Oui, les badges sont fournis!
Est-ce que de la nourriture sera offerte: Non, pas cette fois. Cependant, nous offrirons une planification de repas pour ceux qui veulent participer.
Handlers nécessaire: 2 par jour au minimum.
Aurons-nous une salle pour se changer et stocker: nous en avions une l'année passée, à confirmer pour 2024.
  • July 4, 2024 - (Montage) heures à venir
  • July 5, 2024 - 12pm - 8pm
  • July 6, 2024 - 9pm-7pm
  • July 7, 2024 - 9:30am-5pm | (Démontage) heures à venir
Membres avec présence confirmée:
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Little reminder!!! I only got 5 Form replies to the Booth Staff for Montreal comiccon! We're trying to be early! Please fill the form ASAP if you wish to staff at the booth! Of course if you aren't sure if you'll be able to attend yet, it's ok if you don't fill in the form just yet^^ Worst case please let me know if you saw the post but just can't give an answer right away! It would help please :D
Little reminder!!! I only got 5 Form replies to the Booth Staff for Montreal comiccon! We're trying to be early! Please fill the form ASAP if you wish to staff at the booth! Of course if you aren't sure if you'll be able to attend yet, it's ok if you don't fill in the form just yet^^ Worst case please let me know if you saw the post but just can't give an answer right away! It would help please :D
I am not so sure yet if I can attend because I have school in the summer. I'll need to get my schedule first which won't be until beginning of May.
I am not so sure yet if I can attend because I have school in the summer. I'll need to get my schedule first which won't be until beginning of May.
Sounds good^^ Let us know as soon as you have a more definite answer :D
Can an admin please delete this thread? I added it under the right section in the end. Thank you <3
not sure yet, special hotels are rates are not out yet so i don't know if I will attend, unless someone wants to split a room 2 or 3 ways
If anyone wants to split cost I'm in.
Anyone has an update on hotels and who wants to split cost and travel?
It's too early for that for now. We'll start looking in more seriously around april/may. Were also in a tricky financial situation right now so we don't know anymore if well be able to afford a hotel room.
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