More WETA warthog goodness

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yo spart 137 in 2 years when i can drive come over to frankfort and help me build it iv been talkin to me mom and shes going to get me an old jeep for this so il need some help from u and stumpy
Sean Bradley said:
Yep, thats the Bungie guys driving it.. specifically Curtis Creamer. It you've listened to the Podcast when they interview Joe Staten about it he claimes that the Hog has several different driving modes because the wheels can all turn independantly, as in it can rotate in place like a tank. It also has 'crab-mode' which allows it to move sideways.

Joe says in Curtis's defense that the vehicle was in crab mode when they gave them the keys, and thus when he started steering it, it turned at the center of the vehicle, not the front wheels like he was expecting.

I should just shutup and link the podcast for anyone who wants to know more.. excellent descriptions of the vehicle:

Bungie Podcast: 09/20/07

Thanks for the link Sean, I will not have the different Driving Modes like the hog Bungie made. It will have normal driving mode, Which will be only two wheel steering and then the Hog mode Were all four wheels turn! I only hope my hog will do this one justice. They have more money then me, so I doubt it will look as good. But who knows!
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Shouldn't be a problem, rvb18! We should get Jedi Stumpy to join! Hell, we need as much help as we can... there are a few at school that may help, and we should find someone w/ bodywork experience on the 405th who would help us...

Anybody interested in a prospective project?
Spartan137 said:
Shouldn't be a problem, rvb18! We should get Jedi Stumpy to join! Hell, we need as much help as we can... there are a few at school that may help, and we should find someone w/ bodywork experience on the 405th who would help us...

Anybody interested in a prospective project?
im in but i live way down here
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While on the subject of selling hogs, is this something micro$oft could step in and stop with the game content usage rules?
hell no they cant it's a home made project nothing about copying games or that crap. 137, stumpy is in purdue he should know some thing that would help and theres like 30 guys in illinios. so we should have alota help and if it was just u me and stumpy(u thot i was goin to say dupre),we get all the credit and we can take it to cons around here . i have some exp with smithing and welding but i have no welder or a smithing table or anvil
Belakor said:
Also, just looking at the title... Weta isn't an acronym, it's the name of a big cricket-like insect ;)
Wetas are MASSIVE. Here, Take a look.
BTW, thanks for the extra pics, they makey me drool.
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colmon_9 said:
While on the subject of selling hogs, is this something micro$oft could step in and stop with the game content usage rules?

Well, we aren't selling them, so Microsoft can't do anything under their current User End Agreement. If they change it so that they can, THEN we'll start worrying.
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