Mountain Chief? Master Dew? 56K beware!

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my halo shelf ^.^
Ummmmm, yeah. Uhhhhhhh, wow. That is a lot of dew. I just like the fact that it is 4 dollars for a 12-pack. Maybe i should buy a bunch of 12-packs and form them into a 3.
UnDedSnipr said:
Someone has some free time... Nice.

If you were reffering to me...

Well you call it free time...I call it summer ;-) .
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I finnally got all the dronks with halo 3 on it. Im nvr drinking it lol.It is weird tasting though like a pixie stick kinda.
gotta wait another3 days before i get back to the US :hyper: but the only thing is what if ther arent any left :evil:

Let me go get my .357 :gun1: and jack my local 7-11 for all of it's halo slushies :mrgreen: !

Nah, I would never do that ;-) ...
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