Mountain Member of the Month Highlights 2025


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hello everyone!

Time for the Mountain Member Highlights for 2025!

Starting us off this year for the month of January will be . . .

MistyFox with a fantastic ODST with amazing colors that line up perfectly with Mountain Regiment and look at all that cool battle damage!


Don't forget to check in monthly to see who's highlighted throughout the rest of 2025!

If you want to add your questions to the pool that our highlighted members pick from add them here! The question pool is open to all 405th Members, so we'd love to hear from you!
Wait a second, Feburary Feberarury February only had 28 days?

It's time for a slightly late Mountain Member Highlight!

The member picked to be highlighted for the month of Feberary Febburary February is . . . .

TorrinNorixius with an awesome rendition of the main man himself Master Chief!


Don't forget to keep checking back monthly to see who's highlighted throughout the rest of 2025!

If you want to add your questions to the pool that our highlighted members pick from add them here! The question pool is open to all 405th Members, so we'd love to hear from you!

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