Mountain Regiment Game Nights 2025


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN

Did you want another fun night each month to hang out with your fellow Mountain Regiment Members in addition to our Regiment Meetings?

Well plan on attending the Mountain Regiment Game Night!

These game nights can be held in either MCC or Infinite, so make sure they're updated before game night so you are all ready.

Just like our Mountain Regiment Meetings, we will do our best to give 2 weeks notice of these game nights.

We'll host a VC in the same Regiment meetings area that our regular Mountain Regiment Meetings are located at in the 405th Discord.


The first game night will take place Friday January 31st at 6:30 PM MST and 5:30 PM PST.

I can't wait to see all of those who can make it!

Did you want another fun night each month to hang out with your fellow Mountain Regiment Members in addition to our Regiment Meetings?

Well plan on attending the Mountain Regiment Game Night!

These game nights can be held in either MCC or Infinite, so make sure they're updated before game night so you are all ready.

Just like our Mountain Regiment Meetings, we will do our best to give 2 weeks notice of these game nights.

We'll host a VC in the same Regiment meetings area that our regular Mountain Regiment Meetings are located at in the 405th Discord.

The first game night will take place Friday January 31st at 6:30 PM MST and 5:30 PM PST.

I can't wait to see all of those who can make it!
Planning to allow members from other Regiments to join in on the fun?

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