Multi-Gen Mojlnir armor overhaul (Pep and freehand)

Well, this will be a little bit of a shorter update since there isn't really any armor work being done.

But off the heals of Tremendicon I am decompressing and just having a bit of fun.

Since I am in the Midwest and we are now getting some Battalions to put together I had asked to be added to the one for Missouri (and Kansas).

Called Longsword.

And I got to thinking of emblems and designs that I could put on my armor to reflect the new affiliation.

I came across this emblem from Halo Infinite in the wild and figured I could use it as a base:

But of course, it needs to properly reflect the Midwest regiment of the 405th as well so 2 minutes in paint and pow:
Midwest longsword!

Really it is just a placeholder for me until either the 405th or the Midwest regiment releases an "official" emblem for the battalion. but this was a silly little thing for me to do in the meantime!

I might actually break out my pencils and draw something for this in the future. WHO KNOWS! but I figured I would post my little art project. take it as you will.

I will probably be dark here for a little while as summer kicks off and I don't have as much "indoor" time.

But the MK IV 3d print will still get progress posted as I work on it and the big interchangeable torso project will be kicking off after that.

So until next time!
Yay! Finally I have an update of sorts!

I have finally managed to get some hobby time while the weather remained marginally warm.

My new MKIV has begun its sanding and solidifying work.

It isn't done by any stretch but it is finally something other than a raw 3d print.

Have some pictures:
well, Saturday was fairly productive!
I was able to get the visor done and a coat of paint on the helmet!

if all goes well today I can get the secondary colors painted and be ready for weathering.

Enjoy the pictures!
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my question is how did you do the visor maybe i missed it but is it vacu formed? ether way it is awersome looking...
After weekend action report:

2nd layer of bondo applied and old ODST bucket revived for finishing.

Lots of sanding later: the 2nd primer coat and final prep stage for both buckets has been achieved.


Now I need to form the visor for the MKIV and I can move to final details before paint!
Alright post weekend update!

The Visor has been shaped and the reflective tint has been applied!

I have also been able to get the first primary paint layer added!

Have some pictures!

Visor construction process:

Side by side of the old MK IV Visor:

Prepping for the Bondo Fill in for seamless visor installation:

First paint layer:

And with Visor:

Well that is all for now.

Time to get the paint finished!
Dude doing the visor like this is clever as hell, honestly one of the coolest ways I've seen a visor done since he4thbar and his pretty much Pepakura'd visors
Dude doing the visor like this is clever as hell, honestly one of the coolest ways I've seen a visor done since he4thbar and his pretty much Pepakura'd visors

I know I am not the first to assemble visors this way since a bunch of people did this with layering motorcycle visors.

But I know that this isn't the "common" method now. and I don't have what I would need to create a buck or vacuum former.
Midweek update!

I know I could have waited until I really finished tomorrow but I wanted to get pictures out now!

The main paint is done and only weathering remains!


After the first coat of black:

After removing the masking tape:

And now After the applied red detail paint. And compared to the old MKIV:

I might have another update tomorrow with the post weathering work but I was just so happy with the results I needed to share.

Until next time!
Alright! The helmet is complete!

I also was able to finish the ODST helmet as well!

Have some pictures:

Both complete helmets and the old MKIV:


And all by itself the new MK IV:

I also got all the padding in place. Leaving room for a headphone and lights upgrade.

And I installed a pair of fans (Henry's helmet fans) and used my 3d filament pen to create a direction vent over the visors.

Well... that is all for now. Expect some more pictures (full suit up)in a few weeks after the missouri comic con!
I have some suited up pictures from the Missouri comic con:


Now though after the Con I have a few critical measures to take care of.

1. My original MK VI Torso has finally given up. after taking it off to head home after the con the entire back is cracked and nearly fell into 2 pieces. the front is cracked in several places and can no longer support itself. (not bat for 13 years of wear and tear)

2. Both of my boots suffered critical failures. so I am going to be reworking them so that they are better able to articulate and have fewer points of tension/failure.

as to the first item I have already made significant strides in prepping for my next torso. I have just finished unfolding the MK VI G3 from MoeSizzlac and am finalizing the scale I need to print at.
organized unfold 5.PNG

Expect updates as I make progress in construction!
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Man that new helmet is looking clean as hell my man. For the visor, what kind of glue did you use? I attempted something similar for my recon, but I was constantly getting glue inside the visor and causing visibility problems
Man that new helmet is looking clean as hell my man. For the visor, what kind of glue did you use? I attempted something similar for my recon, but I was constantly getting glue inside the visor and causing visibility problems
Very carefully applied hot glue.

I have a high-temperature hot glue gun so the glue has a consistency of maple syrup when it comes out.

Then when the glue has cooled and I can clean up I use a soldering gun to shape the glue bead for the best hold.

And there are visibility issues, but I always build my visors with clear sight lines.

I have highlighted where I can see in the visor here: Being able to see directly in front, down towards my feet, and to either side. it has the effect of requiring me to turn to look directly at people so they know when I am looking in any given direction.
Minor update.

I have decided to also ground up rebuild my forearms.

A day or so after missouri comic con I noticed that the insides of my elbow joints had bruised. And the only source could be from my very tight fitting custom Reach forearms.

So I set out to use the MK VI G3 forearms.

And after some carful measuring and a test ring for sizing. I have one done:

it fits with just the right amount of wiggle room.

So I am printing the other side now.
The second forearm is printed.

And I had my first print mishap. The base version of the ender 3 V3 SE doesn't have a filament sensor. So my filament ran dry and I had to make a best guess as the where to cut the remaining part of the model. And I guess I was within .2mm of being 100% on the money because it fit perfectly.

Now I just need to figure out what system I want to use to allow the floating piece to hold on so I can get my hands in and out of the forearms.

Have some pictures:

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