1st Build My first 3 (3d printed) props but I need some help.

The Chief

New Member
I have been thinking for a while to start work on some props and I decided on three weapons: The MA5B (Halo CE), Silenced pistol (Halo 3 ODST) and finally the cute but deadly (not deadly in infinite lol) Plasma pistol (Low poly model from either CE or 2).

Now I do have everything planned, printing the pistols first and glueing them together, then finally the MA5B being glued together after but painted first. (A bit more complicated then this but simplified for your sake) I have figured out which paints, primers and coatings I need plus the filler for the MA5B but there’s one massive dilemma I have faced.

I have a 3d printer, the Ender 3 V3 and I am planning on making life sized versions of those listed guns. Although I do not know how much infill I should use, I’m thinking of 5-20% but 20 is definitely too heavy and I saw someone make an MA5C with 5% infill (I think it was N8TEBB which is I think in the Canadian regiment.)

so I’m pretty confident with 5% for the MA5B but not so sure for the others. (For reference both pistols are printed in two parts whilst the MA5B is in 10.) So I would just like a tip on how much infill to use.

(I’m using PLA+ with a 4MM nozzle and the parts are going to be glued with plastic specific super glue. The filament and printer plus the weapons, paints and tools are featured below or above idk the image placement)


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A couple things just to cover baseline stuff.
  • Are the props your first things you've 3d printed?
  • Have you tried gluing other things together with that glue? (I have my doubts about a solvent based adhesive on PLA since its not going to melt the plastic to then re-weld together.
  • Printed parts strength comes more from wall thickness than infil, just so you know.
So... Just to get a baseline... What's your 3d printing experience so far?

Oh... and since you're clearly in OZ - {wave from Brisbane}
A couple things just to cover baseline stuff.
  • Are the props your first things you've 3d printed?
  • Have you tried gluing other things together with that glue? (I have my doubts about a solvent based adhesive on PLA since its not going to melt the plastic to then re-weld together.
  • Printed parts strength comes more from wall thickness than infil, just so you know.
So... Just to get a baseline... What's your 3d printing experience so far?

Oh... and since you're clearly in OZ - {wave from Brisbane}
Yes I am from the land of prawns, specially from port Stephen’s.

I have somewhat decent experience printing since starting December last year and I have definitely improved a lot. One small problem is that I don’t have any modeling programs on the computer I have but I do have the slicer. Another is that I am still not the best so I may need a bit of help.

I have printed a lot of 3d models tho, ranging from toys and keychains for friends and family to lots of halo related stuff I’ve definitely used the printer for a lot of things.

Now for the glue, yes I have used it for stuff before but a different brand, (im pretty sure it’s the same stuff anyways) and it has worked pretty well but I don’t know about plastics yet.

And yea it does get lots of strength from the walls so I may try experimenting with 5% on the first pistol and see how it goes.

Oh yea sorry for my crappy grammar as I’m not that used to doing forums appears to just casual messaging lol
If you haven't developed and confirmed your techniques and supplies (paint & glue etc) for multi-part prints, you might want to do a couple tests:
  • Dimensional accuracy. Multi-part props will require your 8mm holes for magnets actually be 8mm. Slides and lowers can't be oversize by 2% or slides won't slide and interlocking parts won't interlock. For me a good process is to start basic with XYZ cubes, then when those measure as expected move to a 5mm nut and bolt. If you can print a nut and bolt that thread and work smoothly then you're probably in a good place for interlocking models.
  • Adhesives. Test them. The actual ones. I've been bitten by "its the same, only different". You've probably got parts laying around you can play with. Those XYZ test cubes can double as sanding and painting tests as well as glue tests. If you glue a couple XYZ's together, or a couple Benchies bottom to bottom... Do you trust the bond?
Yes that’s a very good idea and I will try that soon, I have scraps lying around so those should work. I do know that threads work as I do remember having a pill container printed with a screw on lid.

For the assembly I will be mainly testing the waters with the plasma and silenced pistol, silenced having no built in slotting/locking mechanism and only using glue while the plasma pistol uses pins. I will use this to figure out what will work great and incorporate what I find into the MA5B. I will consider the things you have recommended into the plasma pistol.

Thank you so much for the help mate and have a good night as I’m gonna go sleep now.
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