1st Build My First Armor Build

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So this is how I've been attaching the armor to the harness.

This nylon strap is just super glued to the bottom of the piece, and a buckle is added to the top, giving me two adjustment points per piece. Later, I will cover the bottom with a thick mix of Rondo to make it more permanent

Later, foam will be added to keep it from jingling around, but the majority of the weight will be supported by the straps.
So I must apologize for my lack of posting recently. Been really busy at work, taking on new promotions and responsibilities as well as getting ready to leave the country for awhile. Have not had the time or energy to work on this. I don't know if I'm going to make any progress on the build over the next year or so.

Before I go on this hiatus, however, I would like to at least harden what I do have and get it ready for long term storage.
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