My first build: Mark VI Mjolnir armor (how original title!)

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John Awesome

Jr Member
So, this is my first post here. I decided to go for HD version, as I wanted it to look as good as possible. I've actually built it for some time now, but I haven't gathered the strength to load pictures of my build, as I'm really lazy. But enough said, here you go some pictures:




That is my first build. I'm pretty satisfied with it, as it is my first one. It's not perfect, but I like it.
Next, I built right arm. Here's some photos of it:



Those photos aren't the best possible, but I took them hastily.
And my latest work of art, the chestpiece:



I know, I should've uploaded those pictures when I finnished building them but... I'm really lazy =P
And here's a family portrait:


There's my armor so far. I'm going to take couple of days off, and then start working with codpiece. It could take some time for me to upload pictures of it, as I'm reeeally lazy (have I mentioned it?). Let me know what you think of it and I'll try to reply as soon as possible. See ya.
Not bad I guess. Have you finished pepping these pieces? The helmet seems to have a lot of gaps, and the hand plates are obviously missing a few pieces.

Two things:
1. That forearm piece is the left one, not the right one.
2. All tabs are supposed to be glued to the interior of the pieces, not the exterior.
Not bad I guess. Have you finished pepping these pieces? The helmet seems to have a lot of gaps, and the hand plates are obviously missing a few pieces.

Two things:
1. That forearm piece is the left one, not the right one.
2. All tabs are supposed to be glued to the interior of the pieces, not the exterior.

As I said, the helmet is my first one. Ever. Of all time. And I'm hoping resin and bondo will cover the gaps. And no, arms aren't missing any pieces, it may look so beacuse of the angle. And no, that is not the left forearm piece, not at least according to it's file name/description. And lastly, I know I'm supposed to glue the tabs on the interior, but it's just sometimes easier to glue them on the outside =P. I'm hoping again that resin/bondo will cover them.
I have to say that is probably the cleanest chest pep I've seen so far. Dam. Fantastic start! looking forward to seeing the end of this one.
As I said, the helmet is my first one. Ever. Of all time. And I'm hoping resin and bondo will cover the gaps. And no, arms aren't missing any pieces, it may look so beacuse of the angle. And no, that is not the left forearm piece, not at least according to it's file name/description. And lastly, I know I'm supposed to glue the tabs on the interior, but it's just sometimes easier to glue them on the outside =P. I'm hoping again that resin/bondo will cover them.

If you're happy with the Pep, then by all means continue. Don't forget that there's nothing wrong with making pieces again as you gain more experience. For the record, I've seen many people's first Peps who did not have gaps or tabs glued on the outside. (But at least you didn't use tape! :p)

Yes, that IS the left forearm piece. Check any reference photo of Master Chief and you'll see that the part that has all the "detail" goes on top. I guess the file is labeled wrong...

Are those not 3 giant holes in the handguard piece? To me, that is an unfinished handguard.

I'm not trying to be rude, I just think that you seem to have good base skills for a project like this, and with just a little more work/effort, your results can be even better. Don't forget that the more work you put into early stages like the Pep now, the less work you'll have making them look acceptable later. Don't count on resin or Bondo to fix errors that are much more easily fixed now.
If you're happy with the Pep, then by all means continue. Don't forget that there's nothing wrong with making pieces again as you gain more experience. For the record, I've seen many people's first Peps who did not have gaps or tabs glued on the outside. (But at least you didn't use tape! :p)

Yes, that IS the left forearm piece. Check any reference photo of Master Chief and you'll see that the part that has all the "detail" goes on top. I guess the file is labeled wrong...

Are those not 3 giant holes in the handguard piece? To me, that is an unfinished handguard.

I'm not trying to be rude, I just think that you seem to have good base skills for a project like this, and with just a little more work/effort, your results can be even better. Don't forget that the more work you put into early stages like the Pep now, the less work you'll have making them look acceptable later. Don't count on resin or Bondo to fix errors that are much more easily fixed now.

You could be right. I'm anyways going to redo the hand piece as it is waaayy too big for my hand. And you're right, it seems to be the left forearm piece. My bad =P. And thanks for honest reply, appreciate it!
Nice build so far. My only advice is to be less dependent on correcting errors at the bonding stage, it's easier to fix problems with scissors and glue than with a dermal and bonding.
Everything but the helmet looks really good. Its not that the helmet looks bad per-say, but those tabs are going to be a bi#ch to smooth out with bondo. As spacemeat said, you should really try to be less dependent on the bondo stage. The more detail and smoothness you can achieve during the pep stage, the easier everything will be in the end. Good luck!
Thanks everyone for your comments! I'm going to start building codpiece today, I'm hoping to finnish it by weekend. I was able to take only one full day off of this... Damn, this is addictive!
Hello, children!
Just finished building my codpiece, so here you go some pictures!




You can see Marcus Fenix sneaking there in background - I forgot him there when I took the pictures =P.
It took me four days to build the codpiece. Now I'll seriously take over week off of this, I just have too much in my hands right now, but I'll try to visit here as much as possible. So once again, tell me what you think of it and leave comments. See ya'll!
Hello, folks!
No actual pictures now, but I thought I'd let you know that I can return back to Chief now, and I'll start building the thigh piece. I'm hoping to get it done by next weekend, and I'll post some pictures of it asap. That's it for this post, John Awesome out for now.
Yepyep, just finished building the right thigh. You'll see the pictures if you've been behaving well. What, you haven't been behaving well?! That's okay, me neither. Shh!

There's the thigh. I think it turned out to be pretty good... Expect for one little detail: it's slightly too big.


You can tell that it's too big by looking at that picture. I think I'm going to print the next one 90% of the original size and see how it turns out.


And, as always, tell me what you think and comment. Criticism is appreciated (that's right, you can say it's a piece of **** and I won't mind). See ya.
Well clearly, its too big. However, your pep work is definately improving. Also, id say that about 85-90% of the current scale should be good for the new thigh (and believe me, I feel your pain when it comes to residing parts. I had to redo about five or six pieces of my chief build when I first started). On the bright side, it gives you some good practice. ;)
Well clearly, its too big. However, your pep work is definately improving. Also, id say that about 85-90% of the current scale should be good for the new thigh (and believe me, I feel your pain when it comes to residing parts. I had to redo about five or six pieces of my chief build when I first started). On the bright side, it gives you some good practice. ;)

Thanks for support man. Yeah, it's kinda bummer that it was too big, but I'm not crushed by it, as it took me 3 days to build it (which, for me, is pretty fast). Thanks for commenting!
Damn. Oh damn I'm on fire! Just finished building the right shin. I've never built anything this fast (two pieces in a week). But I know you aren't interested in me writing, you just wanna see some pictures, I bet you are not even reading this (why are you still reading this?). Seriously, why are you still reading this? There are pictures for you to look at.

Here's the shin, that I'm currently wearing (as if you couldn't tell it from the picture)

It took me only 3 days to build this, which is pretty well, given the fact that I have about 8 hours school a day =/


So yeah, that's for the pictures for now (you can stop reading this, unless you reeeeeaaally want to read me yappin' about what I'm going to do next). The next piece I'm going to build is the right boot. I'm not sure when I'll finish it, with luck it'll be done by sunday, but it could (if I'm unlucky) take me about week to complete, as I'll be heading for a camp and I'll be spending 4 days there.
Well, that's it for now, comment and tell me what you think about it. See ya.
You have got to be licking my nipples with a tongue of an elephant!
So, just finished building the right foot piece, and it turned out to be just a little too small. At first, I had to shrink it to 60% from 100% (yes, my armor is scaled for MC, and off the record, his feet are GIGANTIC!), and so it turned out to be too small. Here you go a picture:


Oh well, now it's too late to mourn about it. It didn't take anyways really much time to build it, just two days. I'm going to print the next 70% of the original size, hope it's gonna work. But that's it for a while now, I'm having matriculation examinations in a couple of weeks, so I'm going to keep myself busy with books, not with pepakura (sad face! <=( ). But I'm going to keep on checking here, so post comments and tell me what you think. See ya.
Your doing fine. Almost everyone has to redo some of their suit do to mishaps, sizing issues, or acts of nature. Had to redo my MC helm 3 times before it was the right size. It happens, but you can always use the false starts for practice.
Your doing fine. Almost everyone has to redo some of their suit do to mishaps, sizing issues, or acts of nature. Had to redo my MC helm 3 times before it was the right size. It happens, but you can always use the false starts for practice.
Thanks for compassion, man. Yeh, it definitely happens, but at least that wasn't the chest piece (oh man, now I jinxed it, didn't I? Now I'll have to definitely redo it!).
And, I've got something for all of you guys. And that is...
SURPRISE UPDATE! (betcha didn't see that one coming, huh?). I wanted to take a break from reading, and decided to start the left side of my suit, and made the left hand plate (actually, I had to do it twice, as the first was too small =/)

I apoligaze that I only have one picture - my computer just refused to upload more.

So there you go. It's shrinked to 60% of the original size, and the first one I made was 50%. But yeah, maybe I'll get the right hand plate done in some point, too. And now that I remeber this, I'm going to write it out loud: it may take some time for me to get to resining my armor, as it is still winter here in Finland, so that means it's snowy, windy and, well, not so cold anymore, but anyways too cold to resin outside (about -5 Celsius), and I don't have an indoor place to resin, so I'm just going to have to wait for the weather to get warmer so I can go resining on my balcony (don't worry, it's roomy in there). But yeah, finally got that one out of my chest. But I'm guessing that's and end for this update, once again, tell me what you think about my work, and I'm probably going to get back pepping on wednessday, as then my matriculation exams will be over. See ya.
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