My first Halo Build

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Jr Member
So I been making props for a few years now and finally decided to give some halo armor a try. I decided to start with helmets. And, well I went a bit crazy and started like 4 of them at the same time. So far I've completed (sort of) 2 helmets and I have a ton of progress shots but since they're done I may as well just show you the finished product.


On the left is a child sized Halo 3 CQB helmet and on the right is a Halo Reach Scout helmet. They were both commissions for my bosses kids for Christmas. I'm fairly happy with how they came out and yes I know I forgot a few details on both but I was running short on time.

My next build will be a full suit of custom reach armor representing the load out I use myself:


So far I have the helmet pep and starting the resin.


That visor always makes me think of Cobra Commander ^-^
Looking for feedback and any tips on installing visors. So far that's what's giving me the most trouble.
Wow... simply phenominal finished products. Show some of the progress pics! I'd love to see how you got them so amazingly well finished!

ok, so I didn't take as many progress shot as I thought but here's what I got and what I did.


This is the beginning of my Scout helmet build

so step one is of coarse the pep build. a little card stock, some white glue and a lot of OCD.


80% built CQB helet



Fully assembled Scout and CQB pep helmets.

So here's where the pictures skip ahead a bit, I'll document my newer builds better. I took an idea I saw on here called rondo, not sure who came up with it but I liked it... mostly cause I hate how long it takes to do fiberglass. The difference is I didn't mix bondo an resin, I just poured in a fast set poly resin called Alumilite. It sets in 90 second and is almost as hard as fiberglass. It shrinks about 2% as its hardens which will wrinkle the card stock but I discovered if you coat the card stock with kilz primer first it minimizes that effect. Then I gave it a preliminary sanding and coated it with a thin layer of bondo and like 3 layers of Kilz primer spray. Cut out and tape in a visor and we get this:


Then sand again and paint and you get these:




Oh and the recessed details like the circles on the CQB's cheeks where done by making shapes out of masking tape and spraying like 4 layers of primer. The primer has thickness and when you remove the tape it leaves a clean indented shape.

Now hot glue in the visors and add some final details and you get this:

(I know I'm a goofball)

So that's it. I'll post better progress shots of my new Reach armor and a suit I'm making for a buddy over the next several months.
Great Pep work, like the fastest ever, and very clean! I have a question though: if you're making the loadout you use on Reach, How come you're making the Scout and the CQB? 'cause you like 'em both?
Very nice, clean, Helmets. Love the detail work you did on them, and Paint came out looking great also.
Great Pep work, like the fastest ever, and very clean! I have a question though: if you're making the loadout you use on Reach, How come you're making the Scout and the CQB? 'cause you like 'em both?

So I originally made the CQB helmet pep for my own armor but my scale was wrong and it was too small. So then I thought, why waste it. I experimented with resin and got it to be a nice hard shell that was too small to fit over my head. Fast forward almost a year and I have a new base and a new boss and we discover that that CQB helmet will fit one of his kids and he commissions me to finish it and make a Scout helmet for his older son. So there it is. I've since started a much larger CQB helmet for myself, a JFO for one of my best friends, a MKVI just for the hell of it And in the spring I'm starting an ODST helmet for a commission... I like to keep busy :)
haha yeah, that's pretty busy, I thought I had my hands full with just my own Hazops helm, although I'm not rushin it, I have it all pepped out with no warpage, so yipee! haha maybe when I get a little better at this I can tackle multiple builds. haha :p
Hazop's one of my favorite helmets. Makes me think of a metal skull a bit. It was a bit to detailed for my taste starting out but I'd love to see one done. Good luck to you.
owesome work

I love the visor.
you really did a great construction job. I just finished building the preliminary skeleton of something almost the same. soon I'll post some pics. you will love it.
Great job! Very detailed! but just a question, if you already built a CQB helmet that fit you, why didn't you cast it? it could've saved you the pep work on the second one for your self.
Hazop's one of my favorite helmets. Makes me think of a metal skull a bit. It was a bit to detailed for my taste starting out but I'd love to see one done. Good luck to you.
Check out my build here, it's all pepped, about to resin/bondo etc.. I'm gonna finish the helmet first, to give me a push to get the rest done. I didn't see any warpage, comment on it please, and yea, I agree with it's skull-like properties, it seems to have "Jawbones" and "Cheeks" but yea, please give it a comment and subscribe to it if you like it! I'm going with a jungle-ish green, a little brighter than Chief.
Great job! Very detailed! but just a question, if you already built a CQB helmet that fit you, why didn't you cast it? it could've saved you the pep work on the second one for your self.

well see the first helmet didn't fit, I just finished it for practice and then sold it to my boss cause it fit his 7 year old son... Bit small lol. I just finished pep work on a new one that fits and started resin on it. Also I suck at mold making and pep works not bad. I can usually pep a helmet in a day or so. Behold the wonders of OCD :)
So I been been busy over the past few days. I love getting free leave :)


Finished the pep for my MK VI and started resin already. Decided that will be a Grif build and possibly it's own thread. I'm gonna make a Gravity hammer and a bomb and play Grifball at what ever con I'm heading to when it's done :D

Resined my CQB and started bondo:



Unfortunately the resin dimpled the dome. I think I tried to do too large an area at once. So now I have like a pound and a half of bondo on it to get the shape back cause I really didn't feel like doing a third CQB pep :(

In lighter news, got primer on my JFO build and getting ready to start detailing it then paint!

Now my ADD is kicking in and I'm thinking of making some weapons for my reach build. Not sure which one I want to add to the stack of Anime weapons I've been commissioned to pump out. Any votes? I'm at a stalemate between the shotgun, DMR, or grenade launcher.
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