and almost 6 months later...
The family and I went to a local convention over the weekend. We had a blast, and it will probably be the last time I put on the suit, as I'm bored with it and want to move on to bigger and better projects...after I finish getting my house up to market that is

. The turnout was very good, and there were some excellent costumes there. I left the picture taking up to my fail wife and her pathetic Thunderbolt smart phone which died halfway through the day.
The costume contest Saturday night was very fun, and several of the outfits were some of the best I've seen in the few cons I've been to. I did manage to beat out the competition of 30 or so contestants though, and score the first place win for team Halo. I walked away with a few hundred dollars worth of goodies, but to the true enthusiasts we don't do it for that, as you all know. I'll try to dig around online and find either pics, or hopefully a video of the contest this week, and edit. I blame my wife, and her turd of a phone. Now on with the pics![ATTACH=full]68042[/ATTACH] Me, and the Captain. I'm not sure how that alien managed to sneak in the pic. How rude!
Be on the lookout for this guy. He managed to escape while I got distracted by Harley Quinn of Arkham City. If you've seen her you can understand, right?
This guy did a great job with all the electronics on his set up. It was very impressive to see it go in person. He did get second place in the costume contest. I thought surely with all the work he did he was going to win it.
I got to speak with Adam Baldwin of Full Metal Jacket, Chuck and other television/movie projects for a bit about his work, and family. He jumped right out of his chair when I asked for a picture, and even yanked my helmet off the table to get it in the shot. What a class act this guy was, and if I hadn't been so caught up speaking with some of the zombie cast of Walking Dead I would have loved to had more time to speak with him. Please ignore the helmet hair, and the tired look. It is product of a 95 degree Alabama day, and several hours of armor wearing! lol.