My First Helmet/armor Build

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Monicator said:
The cod is built like a truck you say? How so? I want to be able to sit on my cod without worrying about it breaking too. How would you go about making a pep cod piece durable enough to sit on?

My old pep one in my first video had either 4 or 5 layers of fiberglass mat on the butt. Don't get me wrong it seemed very sturdy. I just always had that worry i would sit on it wrong and it would snap on me exposing my buttcheeks :D

Thanks for the compliments guys! I had just as much fun on my redo as I did the initial build, and I feel like I'm progressing fairly well with this stuff. Like I said earlier be on the lookout for my daughters MK VI starting next month, and when I'm finished with that I have a new project planned as well so I'll be busy for awhile.
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wow, old thread is old!

I was contacted by Stealth a little while back in regards to making a video of my work for his Hero Tutorials channel on Youtube, and with me being a HUGE fan of his work I jumped at the opportunity to have him make sort of a Youtube recap of all my work to date. If you get a chance go check out his Hero Tutorials youtube channel. he has some GREAT tuts on armor building in there, and even seasoned vets can learn a few tricks from him.

Oh, and heres the video :D

Thanks so much to Stealth for making the video, and be on the lookout for more future projects from me after I get off my lazy butt!
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Love your work! In my opinion this looks like elite forum material, perfect job on the smoothing. Looking forward to your later work!
Thanks guys! I need to get back to work on my stuff, but man this Alabama heat just makes me want to stay inside my air conditioned game room right now, haha. I do have several ideas for future projects, and should have something to show sooner rather that later.
You & your Daughter = Adorable. Again, hands down, one of the best Mk6 builds out there. Great work!

You do! Terrible to waste such a good

thank you so much, and I'm a huge fan of your work! I promise when the triple digit days are done I'll be out working again. I'm dying to build something.

On a side note I can't believe this thread hasn't at least been moved out of the noob section, lol lord. Even my kids suit is in creation discussion. It's almost comical, haha.
On a side note I can't believe this thread hasn't at least been moved out of the noob section, lol lord. Even my kids suit is in creation discussion. It's almost comical, haha.
I'm sure that mods just haven't seen it in a long while. I mean this is elite quality stuff and if a mod stopped by here I'm sure it would have been at least moved to Creation Discussion. There are lots of great completed armor builds that were never moved out of the noob forum, which leads me to believe they just weren't noticed by the mods.
Nice one man!
im just starting with the program and all stuff, got some questions about you helm, the sizes, i saw some tut´s on internet u know i dont wan the my helm in SPARTAN size..xD
u know in the program u can change the scale in Hight, width, depth, scale. so they are in mm, and i want to know in my hear how i take the measures???
Tnx for answer
wow lol my thread FINALLY got moved!

When you change scales only change the build height...My helmet is scaled at 27.5cm (275mm). I have an average sized adult head I guess, haha. I think the measurement for the helmet is from the top of your head down to the bottom of your chin if I'm not mistaken. Anywhere from 26cm-28cm or so seems the norm unless you got a big head.
and almost 6 months later...

The family and I went to a local convention over the weekend. We had a blast, and it will probably be the last time I put on the suit, as I'm bored with it and want to move on to bigger and better projects...after I finish getting my house up to market that is :D. The turnout was very good, and there were some excellent costumes there. I left the picture taking up to my fail wife and her pathetic Thunderbolt smart phone which died halfway through the day.

The costume contest Saturday night was very fun, and several of the outfits were some of the best I've seen in the few cons I've been to. I did manage to beat out the competition of 30 or so contestants though, and score the first place win for team Halo. I walked away with a few hundred dollars worth of goodies, but to the true enthusiasts we don't do it for that, as you all know. I'll try to dig around online and find either pics, or hopefully a video of the contest this week, and edit. I blame my wife, and her turd of a phone. Now on with the pics![ATTACH=full]68042[/ATTACH] Me, and the Captain. I'm not sure how that alien managed to sneak in the pic. How rude!

Be on the lookout for this guy. He managed to escape while I got distracted by Harley Quinn of Arkham City. If you've seen her you can understand, right?
This guy did a great job with all the electronics on his set up. It was very impressive to see it go in person. He did get second place in the costume contest. I thought surely with all the work he did he was going to win it.

I got to speak with Adam Baldwin of Full Metal Jacket, Chuck and other television/movie projects for a bit about his work, and family. He jumped right out of his chair when I asked for a picture, and even yanked my helmet off the table to get it in the shot. What a class act this guy was, and if I hadn't been so caught up speaking with some of the zombie cast of Walking Dead I would have loved to had more time to speak with him. Please ignore the helmet hair, and the tired look. It is product of a 95 degree Alabama day, and several hours of armor wearing! lol.


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