My first master chief foam suit


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Member DIN
I was surfing on esty and found a guy who wanted to sale his suit and said it was not done yet. So I bought it and when I got it some parts were done but some looked like they tried to take apart. I had to do some repairs but I got it done still want to build my own suit from scratch. Now this suit is done foam is much more easier to move in.
Well here we go let me know what you guys think.


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Those are the same files I used and I love them.

Super comfortable
Those are the same files I used and I love them.

Super comfortable
I have to say, it has a whole lot of flexibility I wish I had the files there are some parts I need to redo i tried to fix and just not sure how long it will hold. But we always have to do repairs to our suits

With all that new found flexibility, i may have to propose we do some sort of physical challenge! Maybe a push up competition... or perhaps a dance-off!

With all that new found flexibility, i may have to propose we do some sort of physical challenge! Maybe a push up competition... or perhaps a dance-off!
I can't dance but I'm game to look a fool it is all in the name of fun
Can’t dance to save my life, but I’m down :lol:
Agree on the amazing undersuit. I think I’m the most intimidated by that right now but it’s just another skill to learn!
it is a rough and tough job at times but when you get it done it is all worth the hair pulling and drinking pepsi that is :). but if you really want to learn how its done there are you tube videos and people like me and other we will be glad to walk you through the steps. i do plan on making a video in steps on you tube on how i will be doing the body suit on the the reach abs and the mk7 abs i will make a post here with the link when its ready to watch...
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