1st Build My first ODST cosplay is finally done! (New member)

Knight the ODST

New Member


Hi all! I'm new here so forgive me if I've posted this in the wrong place. But this weekend I attended Anime Frontier Texas and met some wonderful Spartans who convinced me to make a 405th account. So here I am! All the armor was printed using FromTheBrinkStudios files, the helm/visor is from Branfuhr Studios, the BR is from Galactic armory, the combat knife is from TwoPennyProps, and the thigh/hip armor is cut from eva foam. All paint work was done by me!

If anyone has critiques, questions, or suggestions Id love to hear all of them! Thanks y'all, im excited to meet more of you in the field! (Leave a comment if you're in the DFW Texas area or visit frequently!)
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Hi all! I'm new here so forgive me if I've posted this in the wrong place. But this weekend I attended Anime Frontier Texas and met some wonderful Spartans who convinced me to make a 405th account. So here I am! All the armor was printed using FromTheBrinkStudios files, the helm/visor is from Branfuhr Studios, the BR is from Galactic armory, the combat knife is from TwoPennyProps, and the thigh/hip armor is cut from eva foam. All paint work was done by me!

If anyone has critiques, questions, or suggestions Id love to hear all of them! Thanks y'all, im excited to meet more of you in the field! (Leave a comment if you're in the DFW Texas area or visit frequently!)
Hellow fellow dfw helljumper/marine.
Saw your posts on the r/halo sub, glad to see you're on here now too! Sick cosplay, it came out lookin great. I especially love the dirt effect on the bottom of your greaves.
Welcome to the DFW Crew! btw there is a 405th discord and most of us are in there! your ODST looks absolutely Killer! The weathering is just so good!

I will let you know a big con we have coming up is Fan Expo Dallas! which you can sign up for or look through all the information in This forum thread. I personally am unable to attend a lot of cons for the time being until I'm 18 years old and out of highschool so until then ik for me i have no clue which cons I'll be going to :unsure:

Good to get ya into the fold! we are getting so many new people in DFW its crazy!
Oh! And before I forget, you can go post these pics over in the Hall Of Honor;
Great spot to show off your finished costume, and even if it's not 100% finished in your eyes, in alot of other peoples it couldn't get better.
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Hi all! I'm new here so forgive me if I've posted this in the wrong place. But this weekend I attended Anime Frontier Texas and met some wonderful Spartans who convinced me to make a 405th account. So here I am! All the armor was printed using FromTheBrinkStudios files, the helm/visor is from Branfuhr Studios, the BR is from Galactic armory, the combat knife is from TwoPennyProps, and the thigh/hip armor is cut from eva foam. All paint work was done by me!

If anyone has critiques, questions, or suggestions Id love to hear all of them! Thanks y'all, im excited to meet more of you in the field! (Leave a comment if you're in the DFW Texas area or visit frequently!)
Your helmet looks phenomenal, and I really like the weathering for the rest of the armor!
Broseph! That suit looks amazing! If my suit looks even half that good when it's complete, I'll count myself a happy man. Awesome work mate.

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