My First Print!


New Member
I know everyone here is very experienced in printing (and tbh it’s a little daunting) but I’m super proud of myself because as a nursing student, I don’t have very much time for myself to do things that I enjoy, but my university gives me free 3d printing, so after wanting to for years, I finally made my first print. I chose something from the index that looked relatively easy to print and put it on a hard drive, and 12 hours later it was done! I know it’s not as cool as a set of armor, though that is the goal eventually. It’s CarterBuilder12 ‘s halo 4 combat knife and I’m super happy with the way it came out. My end goal is to graduate nursing school and eventually develop an online presence in the cosplay community, but from where I’m standing, that’s a long way off.


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That's dope dude! Do you have any plans for a full suit yet, or you still figuring that out?
That's dope dude! Do you have any plans for a full suit yet, or you still figuring that out?
I know what I want to print, (my Halo Reach Multiplayer armor) but I feel like I’ve got a long way to go getting from a knife to a chest plate or a helmet . The armor is the reach mk5 with the UA CQC helmet
I know what I want to print, (my Halo Reach Multiplayer armor) but I feel like I’ve got a long way to go getting from a knife to a chest plate or a helmet . The armor is the reach mk5 with the UA CQC helmet
The knife was a good place to start and it came out great! The chest is by far the largest part and the helmet is what most people pay attention to, but you can absolutely work your way from the bottom up, by starting with something like shins, knees, handplates and go to larger pieces from there
The knife was a good place to start and it came out great! The chest is by far the largest part and the helmet is what most people pay attention to, but you can absolutely work your way from the bottom up, by starting with something like shins, knees, handplates and go to larger pieces from there
I’m planning to start with the hand plates and boot covers, probably the part that I’m most nervous about is the visor for the helmet and figuring out how to do the straps on the thighs and the biceps. I’m sure I’ll find a good tutorial or someone who knows what they’re doing though
I’m planning to start with the hand plates and boot covers, probably the part that I’m most nervous about is the visor for the helmet and figuring out how to do the straps on the thighs and the biceps. I’m sure I’ll find a good tutorial or someone who knows what they’re doing though
There actually are really good tutorials for both of those here Halo Costume Tutorials

Both of those you don't really need to worry about until you get to them. Just focus on getting the armor printed out then you'll eventually get there!

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