My Fx Demo For Use In Future Halo Videos

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Thats Good. Keep it up and youll have some nice work there.

May i ask? Is that Sony Vegas youre using?
Haha. I laughed. Very nice, but maybe use a pep weapon... next time, anyways. lol Good work, keep it up. Adobe After Effects?
bald cactus v2 said:
You win :lol: Thanks guys, this is something that i really enjoy doing.

YAY! I getz cookie? lol yeah, it's really good too. Although, like I said, pep weapon next time :p Also, maybe a grenade? lol
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tlither said:
Build Garland's frag or plasma (scale it down to be game accurate). They are easy to build.

Until you put the last piece on, anyways.

And you don't really have to scale it down, i made his frag without scaling and it fits fine (a bit bigger than a baseball... see my topic somewhere [go to my profile])
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they look easy but I'm focusing on my armor then the weapons.(armor first because a friend wants me to wear it to the football game thats on her birthday, but I'm nowhere close to being done :cry: )
As a regular After Effects user, couple of things I noticed that you could improve on if serious on pursing your craft. Step one, gunshots while probably accurate for that size probably want something a little flashier. For a whole selection of muzzle flashes try checking out detonation films. Also, for the gunshot sound, you need a better balance of room sound to gunshot sound, I can atleast tell you were using a .wav which is good for a sound effect, just make sure to balance the levels. Also, a little smoke at the end would have been a nice touch, no cheesy smoke though. Keep it up.


PS: This shouldn't have been posted in Halo Universe. General discussion mate.
thanks man, thats all great advice, I did use det. films but all the things that would be helpful has to be purchased and my parents are against that. also, I'm just starting out so any advise would be very helpful.
LOL Bang headshot! And three more just for the hell of it.

Great job man! Even funnier than I thought it would be.
Sigma-LS said:
LOL Bang headshot! And three more just for the hell of it.

Great job man! Even funnier than I thought it would be.

I told you it would be good. so, do I get the job? :whistle: just kidding
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