My Halo Infinite mark.Vll build journey

how did you find using the plasti dip?
I have to use it on the torso I am making soon, never used the stuff before

did it spray easily, run, drip etc?

any tips would be cool!! (y)
It worked smoothly for me, I just shook it and it sprayed perfectly. Of course without going to the painting stage yet, I have no idea if my coats work or not.
how did you find using the plasti dip?
I have to use it on the torso I am making soon, never used the stuff before

did it spray easily, run, drip etc?

any tips would be cool!! (y)
I've done a few foam builds, and it works great as a flexible base layer for painting. A couple things I've learned to account for when spraying it:
It comes out less like a cone and more of a vertical line.
If you're doing large parts, it can build up on the nozzle and start to drip.
It'll take a few coats to get good coverage, since even heat sealed foam will absorb a good bit of the first layer or two.
If you want a smooth final layer, it's good to put the can in some warm/hot water before use. If not, you can get a texture that can be useful in some applications, or really not fun in others.
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Sorry for the inactivity. I work a very physical job and after doing 30% of the chest piece and realizing it's too small, I lost motivation to do this.
But I finally had a couple days off of work due to weather to finally work on this armor and I got one of the forearms done.

Wearing this piece of armor absolutely filled me with the passion and motivation to continue this project. My printer has got all the extruder upgrades it needs, I just have to redo the levelling. Not rushing because I still have so much more to do with the foam.
Hopeful for how this turns out.
I have also changed one cosmetic for my spartan. With the recent pass in Infinite, they released these bladed gauntlets. Being the Predator fan I am, they look so much like the Predator wrist blades that I had to have them.

Update is pretty much done, so will update more when I have the full two arms done. Bye.
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