My Halo Infinite mark.Vll build journey


New Member
Hello soon to be fellow Spartans.
I feel like I'm in a position to start documenting my build process/journey. I'm very new to these forum posts.

So, like most others I've seen I started with ArmorSmith and Pepakura. I ordered the EVA foam from LuminsWorkshop and anything 3D from the Australian Creality store. All my tools and paints have/will be brought from my local SuperCheap Auto.


So, I'm building my Spartan from Infinite which utilizes the Mk.Vll core. Customized with the MX kneepads, ODST shoulder pads, Themic gloves and MX Cutter hip accessory.
The armor features the Anubis helmet with the Purrfect Audio accessories because without them the helmet quite literally looks bald.

blender render.PNG


At the moment I don't have any real armor to show. I have started to print my helmet and will begin the foam bits when the rest of the foam arrives in the next week/half. So, expect an update in about 2 weeks or so. This is my first build, so I will gladly take any advice you guys can give me. Thanks for reading and hopefully following me on my own great journey.
I can't wait to see wait to see some progress! Quick question though, why the odst and mx kneepads over other options?
I can't wait to see wait to see some progress! Quick question though, why the odst and mx kneepads over other options?
I picked the ODST shoulders because they add a pointy end to the arm and I always loved when robots would have a point of the arm go beyond the shoulder joint. Plus I wore them in Reach. The MX knees were more to just be different at first but I love the more complex detail it adds to the legs. Kinda breaks up the streamlines of the mk 7 legs.
This looks like a cool build!

May I suggest perhaps scaling up the torso section a tad? It looks to be a bit on the small side.
This looks like a cool build!

May I suggest perhaps scaling up the torso section a tad? It looks to be a bit on the small side.
I would like to. The measurement tool says the shoulder bit is going to be 15 inches wide and that's nearly going over my shoulders. But I'm pretty sure it's maybe just my measurements might be wrong.
I would like to. The measurement tool says the shoulder bit is going to be 15 inches wide and that's nearly going over my shoulders. But I'm pretty sure it's maybe just my measurements might be wrong.
Do you think you can see what it looks like if you make it slightly bigger? Ofc I may be wrong and you could have scaled it optimally. From my layman's perspective however, it seems that the gap between the shoulder and the torso is a bit bigger in your armorsmith model than it is in the renders.

I think the same may be the case with the space between the torso and the cod piece

Here's how wide my armorsmith character looked, and what that torso piece looks like irl. It looks a bit wide on my digital character, but in real life when I have my ad wrap on (and I think I may have made it a tad bit slimmer on the lower half), it looks to fit a lot better.
Do you think you can see what it looks like if you make it slightly bigger? Ofc I may be wrong and you could have scaled it optimally. From my layman's perspective however, it seems that the gap between the shoulder and the torso is a bit bigger in your armorsmith model than it is in the renders.
View attachment 345751View attachment 345752

I think the same may be the case with the space between the torso and the cod piece
View attachment 345753View attachment 345754

Here's how wide my armorsmith character looked, and what that torso piece looks like irl. It looks a bit wide on my digital character, but in real life when I have my ad wrap on (and I think I may have made it a tad bit slimmer on the lower half), it looks to fit a lot better.
View attachment 345755View attachment 345756View attachment 345758
I see. Well in that case I'll scale it up and do what I can with the actual foam. I've also been using your armor and your video as a basis for what I can and can't get away with. Thanks for the deep insight, I'll do some more scaling when I get home.
After N8TEBB's advise I decided to redo my Amorsmith avatar. It made me look fatter, my thighs definitely do not go that far out.

N8TEB also pointed out the shoulder width between sections and the same problem happened even after my rescale. I think it has something to do with me rescaling individual sections. I don't exactly know how to close this gap.

Update on the rest of the foam. It's in my state awaiting processing in the capital cities post. Anyone in Australia can agree on Australian Posts wait times. I predict it to be at least 3 to 4 days before it gets to me.
My printer also broke when I tried to change the nozzle and completely snapped the threading. But it has giving me motivation to buy a bigger printer and when it gets here, I will be able to only split the helmet in two, not seven.
So, talk when that happens and thanks for reading my update.
It made me look fatter, my thighs definitely do not go that far out.
hehe... yeah, armorsmith does everyone dirty

shoulder width between sections and the same problem happened even after my rescale. I think it has something to do with me rescaling individual sections. I don't exactly know how to close this gap.
Yeahh scaling is the hardest part of making armour I think. How do you think it looks? That's the only opinion that really matters.

If I may bug you about this once more, may you please take a screenshot of the armorsmith model straight on so we can see both sides? Can you take one more screenshot in the same way, but scale the chest armour up by 5%. It may not be the right answer but now my curiosity has gotten the best of me. I want to see if making the chest armour slightly bigger will help with those problems you're having.

Also, lmk if you want me to stop bugging you about the scaling. After all, I sort of voiced my opinion without you asking first
hehe... yeah, armorsmith does everyone dirty

Yeahh scaling is the hardest part of making armour I think. How do you think it looks? That's the only opinion that really matters.

If I may bug you about this once more, may you please take a screenshot of the armorsmith model straight on so we can see both sides? Can you take one more screenshot in the same way, but scale the chest armour up by 5%. It may not be the right answer but now my curiosity has gotten the best of me. I want to see if making the chest armour slightly bigger will help with those problems you're having.

Also, lmk if you want me to stop bugging you about the scaling. After all, I sort of voiced my opinion without you asking first
No no, please bug me all you want. I would rather be bugged a lot and get this suit right then waste foam getting it right by myself.
These armorsmith shots are without the armor for reference and with the chest plate upscaled by 5% like you asked.


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I don't think it looks bad at all slightly bigger, you may even be able to go larger than that! My rule of thumb was to try and make the chest piece slightly wider than the cod piece. See how scaling yours up brings it a bit closer to that, where as before it was pretty much the same
Update time.

New 3D printer arrived and I am currently getting it ready. A lot of trial and error, but I did manage to get the first layer to stick so I believe I got the right leveling measurements.

Got the rest of my foam and most glue and primer supplies. Just got to get paints and a heat gun. Now I have to get a cheap printer to print the foam templates as my local library closes before I finish work.

So the foam waits until I get a printer and heat gun and the helmet waits untili get some more filament. Which should arrive soon.

Talk soon, hopefully in the next week or 2.
Update time.

New 3D printer arrived and I am currently getting it ready. A lot of trial and error, but I did manage to get the first layer to stick so I believe I got the right leveling measurements.

Got the rest of my foam and most glue and primer supplies. Just got to get paints and a heat gun. Now I have to get a cheap printer to print the foam templates as my local library closes before I finish work.

So the foam waits until I get a printer and heat gun and the helmet waits untili get some more filament. Which should arrive soon.

Talk soon, hopefully in the next week or 2.
Which printer did you buy?
Update time.

I am now ready to embark on the long wait for my helmet. Started printing, but after trying all I can to lower the material requirement and support amount, I need to buy more PLA. But that's no problem as this piece will take 2 days.

Now I also did a test cut out. I cut out the big pieces of the thigh to get a feel for foam cutting and gluing. I then tested out the plasti dip and primer on the foam. The bright side is the primer without the plastic dip.

All in all I am waiting on a cutting board to arrive to start the real pieces. So talk to y'all then, bye.
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Update time.

I am now ready to embark on the long wait for my helmet. Started printing, but after trying all I can to lower the material requirement and support amount, I need to buy more PLA. But that's no problem as this piece will take 2 days.
View attachment 346687

Now I also did a test cut out. I cut out the big pieces of the thigh to get a feel for foam cutting and gluing. I then tested out the plasti dip and primer on the foam. The bright side is the primer without the plastic dip.
View attachment 346686
All in all I am waiting on a cutting board to arrive to start the real pieces. So talk to y'all then, bye.
My suggestion for the thighs and any other part that has detail in the middle like back torso, forearms, etc. Is to make those as a separate pieces and then put it in place with the rest of the build. This way the main detail of the part looks nice and crisp and it won't be as hard putting the last tiny wedges in and making the piece wonky. That's at least what I did after messing up a few times with toys new build and my old one.
Progress report:

The print failed about 33% thru, the filament got stuck. No problem though, enough got done to see if it fit my head and it seems to, so some success. I researched and it seems the extruder on Ender 5 plus's are notorious for being bad. So, I ordered an all metal one.

Now I started the foam chest piece.

It's a bit wonky, but with enough sanding and infills it should look nice.

So that's all for now, bye.
how did you find using the plasti dip?
I have to use it on the torso I am making soon, never used the stuff before

did it spray easily, run, drip etc?

any tips would be cool!! (y)
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