my mc armour

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KrazyKid02 said:
since i cant start a topic ill just runnoff of this one heres my helmet i made out of my legendary ed. im only 14 so takit easy with the criticizm but still be honest
Cant really say you made it when you just used the legendary helmet, padded it, then inserted a hjc visor, but it does look nice, If i had the cash I would mold it and make more of them.

I might buy a legendary helmet to edit or play with in plaster molds and maybe vacuum form to see if I can make a vacuum form copy of the helmet, It being so detailed may/may not work. But theres no problem with just trying, amazon is selling these helmets for 60 dollars now.
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Dark Rogue said:
Aw, dude. Not to be harsh, but you made one of the worst mistakes you could have made. You didn't put the visor in.


As you can see from this, my 1st helmet warped major due to me not putting the visor in. It'll be a long shot, but maybe like tsau-mia said, you might be able to get away with supports. The whole piece might collapse due to you using tape(if you did) and the integrity of the letter paper. You also need to check out the scoring tutorial so your folds can be spot-on.

You need to restart with Cardstock, a hot glue gun, and renewed vigor. ;) Good luck.
i didnt put the visor on because i was going to where it
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Even if you are going to wear it, you have to leave it in when you resin it just acts as a support. I reccomend also leaving it in while fiberglassing.
After the whole curing process is done, you cut out the visor with a power tool, because even an exacto knife wont cut through it.
oh yeah ZE do did you have a brocken back and a shattered hand when you made yours. i didn't even get to wear if for halloween cuz i was going to and from the hospital all the time i have 2 fake vertibrae and a metal bolt in my hand now. i finished the whole suit the day after halloween
zeke6785 said:
yea the holes runied did u do it or do u just have an extremly small head?
in virginia that siz of head is considered normal for a 14 year old
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AoBfrost said:
Cant really say you made it when you just used the legendary helmet, padded it, then inserted a hjc visor, but it does look nice, If i had the cash I would mold it and make more of them.

I might buy a legendary helmet to edit or play with in plaster molds and maybe vacuum form to see if I can make a vacuum form copy of the helmet, It being so detailed may/may not work. But theres no problem with just trying, amazon is selling these helmets for 60 dollars now.

well i did make it sorta :meany weeny in a bikini:

p.s srry bout the tripll post im used to i.m
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geoviper34 said:
i already know the visor is bent but when i glass it it should even out
well with the way it looks now and without the visor in, it will probally look like MC had his face curb stomped. :/
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Oh no....

Dude, I'm really sorry, and as a first attempt you really have showed that you want to do this.... but...


I know, card is a devil to get a hold of at the best of times. It's pretty expensive if you're running to a budget and paper seems a lot more desirable to your wallet... but please, please, PLEASE.

You'll save a whole lot more time and money if you slow down and take a think. Paper just isn't strong enough to stand up to the resin/fiberglass process without supports. It'll sag, warp, and generally make all your hard work worth nothing. Card is a more expensive, but infinitely more beneficial alternative.

If it helps when you go out to buy this stuff: normal, everyday 'printing' paper is roughly 120-160g/m2 (grams per metre squared). Anything higher than that is good - for crafting you should really be looking at 200+gsm. In any case - something that's thick but folds easily is good. Also, a good, sharp craft knife and some sharp scissors are decent additions to your creative arsenal, as well as a steel ruler to help you make those straight folds and cuts well.

After that... go nuts. CAREFULLY. Take your time - there's nothing that says you have to rush this beast.

Good luck!
Hereis some pics of my helmet progress. I am just holding the top on Im still working on it plus im doin the visor before I glue the top on. Its not perfect but the imperfections are so small that after glassing and fiberglass gelling like spase it'll look like $100 bucks. Man there are a lot of pieces of paper in this thing. It took me about 10hrs just to cut everything out. Thats Like 4 nights up till 6 a.m. watching the back to back to back Fresh Prince of Bel Airs on Nick @ Nite haha damn that show still rocks. Anyway I'm about 2 days out from glassing. My cell phone is a 2.0 mega pixel camera but it still looks crap if your shakin the camera a bit. My bad I'll use an extra camera next time.




N, that looks pretty cool. I'm still cutting my pieces out.

Geoviper, this is my technique, and it only costs around 10 bucks. First I print out the pattern, then I cut it out, then I paste it onto cardstock, then I cut it out again, I fold, I put together, and I paint on Acrylic Gel Medium (a cheap alternative to resin). If you use this method and then resin or glass it, when you paint on the Gel Medium the printer paper lifts up a bit and air is trapped under it. But put on a few coats and it won't do that anymore. :D
i put the letter paper on card stock then i cut it out again and then put it together with clear tape and then i got that :D
Instead of tape use hot glue, wood glue, or even just plain ole white glue. I prefer hot glue because i've noticed it sets up fastest, allowing for quick but strong assembly.

Also, i'd personally just print it out on cardstock - it saves paper and time. But whatever.

And by the way, if you use tape, there's a chance the resin will eat through it....that would be extremely bad and disarming. Not to mention a mess to clean up.
A tip for those of you who have regular printer paper at home:

1: Print out all the parts and roughly cut out the different parts.
2: Then you glue all your roughly cut out pieces on another sheet of paper, using either paper glue, hot glue or wood glue.
3: Now, cut out the parts, so they are ready for assembly. The two sheet layered paper should now be stong, and can easily withstand the weight of the resin. (I did this with all my parts, and I haven't had a single problem since).
4: Glue all your pieces together, and you're ready to go!

Remember, this is only for those of you who don't have the finances to go out and buy 110 lbs cardstock. (Or if you're just lazy, like me. ;))
Why print cut paste then re-cut? I just printed traight onto the cardtock. It took lomg enough cutting it out once, twice would suck.
NuYOrka103185 said:
Why print cut paste then re-cut? I just printed traight onto the cardtock. It took lomg enough cutting it out once, twice would suck.

I never said Cardstock. I said regular Printer Paper.
Two different things.
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NuYOrka103185 said:
Why print cut paste then re-cut? I just printed traight onto the cardtock. It took lomg enough cutting it out once, twice would suck.

yea i no why is it so hard to just print on the cardstock its taken me 3 hrs just to cut/score and assemble half the helmet
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Yeah thats what I'm sayin. It took you three hrs to do half your helmet and there are 1/4 as many pieces as flying squirrels model. cutting yours twice would suck, cutting out the one I'm doing twice AINT GONNA HAPPEN. Print straight onto carstock save yourself the time and effort
you could print it once, paste the ENTIRE sheet of paper onto the second sheet, then cut. Just wait for the glue to dry, and use either spray adhesive, cause it stays sticky forever while evenly coating the paper, or the glue stick would work.
Then cut just once, through two sheets of paper, using a ruler to fold, and a pen to score, like the tutorial says.
there, no more petty arguments about having to do it twice. If you want to do double the work, you can if you want. If not, there's always more than one way to do something.
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