my miss hap at torg


Sr Member
Member DIN
First i want to apologize to all who i did not get to good bye to at the con, my wife fell down the steps and i had to rush home. she will be ok but it will be a long road to recover at her age, she will need 24 hr care so i will be out of the con light for a little while. i am planning on comming back at some point i already miss my second family. if those of you who go to a con i dont care what one it is please send me photos that way i feel like im not missing things.
the one day i had with you all at torg was worth a million dollars to me! i will be watching the forums and since i have nothing home time i think i am going to go all out and make a new suit of armor or maybe a couple. i plan on making this armor suit look just like the game with no detail left out.

again please if you feel like reaching out to me i will be hear even if it is to only say hi till i can get back in the con light. if you need help with a project i will try to help .

love to all my family here on the 405th
You have nothing to apologize for. Your wife comes first. Glad to hear she's doing ok and hoping she has a quick recovery. Keep us updated on how she's doing throughout.
It was so wonderful to see you for the chunk of the con you were there! Always a pleasure :D
Thank you so much for the custom coins you made for me! I love them so much!
Praying for a speedy recovery for your lovely wife
We'll see you around again marinesniper and I look forward to it. As many have said, you have no need to apologize, you had family obligations and they come first. I hope the best in her recovery and wish you luck in the support of it.

You're seriously so nice to see at conventions and this was no different. All smiles and have the coolest and kindest things to say to us all, I appreciate that.

Thanks for the coin, and good luck to you both.
Good to hear she is on the road to recovery. I'll send pics your way when con season starts back up again.
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