My new Halo game idea

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There were a lot of models from Reach that were ripped for Gary's Mod or w/e. The ripping tools were kept to the ones that made them though.
guys guys guys guys... Have you considered using Cryengine 3 for this? Since it was used to build the crysis games, it has all the shooting mechanics built in, it's free (kind of), and it's preeeeety as well... Also, I volunteer to help with engine-related stuff and 3d modelling and things
I was thinking having the UNSC storyline start with rebels then as it progresses the covenant come, as for in skyrim when there are random bandits there will be random ambushes with innies.

I havent checked this thread for a whole day and it has likke 30 more replies and 300 more views D:

Loving all the ideas and thank you demogorgon for working on organizing this! im still working on reading all these the last time i looked!

I think I also worked out a currency idea you would get montly pay pay for finishing jobs and each class can craft or mod certain things selling them to other players like assualt can mod rifles heavy weapons can upgrade turrets and so on working on class abilites
guys guys guys guys... Have you considered using Cryengine 3 for this?

I was actually just playing Crysis 3 last night and thought about that haha. I think CryEngine 3 would make the game beautiful, it would allow us to export on any platform (but it's halo so no Sony xD). My only question is can it handle a massive "Open World"? If so, I would love to use CE3 over the other two.

No problem. It's a great idea and with very powerful development tools being free to use, there's a very good chance we can pull off something amazing. Just as an afterthought, if the game is successful, 343i might say, "Hey, we should hire that team..." haha.

For currency, I was thinking that the UNSC will use the UNSC standard cR (Credit), not sure what currency the Covenant uses :/. Your character will get a monthly payment for being enlisted, cR will drop from enemies, be awarded for completing missions, find rebel stashes, etc. Maybe have 21st century Quarters, the one Halsey had John flip to test his luck, drop off super elite bosses or in hidden places to buy special upgrades. As for selling to other players, this will be a single player game, just like Skyrim. Maybe in the future we can include a multiplayer section, where you can play co-op with friends online. Our goal is not to make an MMORPG like WoW or Rift, just an open world single player RPG.
Essentially, from what I'm reading, your plans sound like an improved, halo-based... Borderlands running on Cryengine 3?
The more i read your guys's ideas the more i look back at my first post for this and think that it was very broad info, you guys are going so far in depth haha, nothing i really thought of because i didnt think i would have success:p this is completely amazing reading all these ideas:)

Essentially, from what I'm reading, your plans sound like an improved, halo-based... Borderlands running on Cryengine 3?

That is what we are striving for. CE3 is fairly simple to learn and easy to use. The hardest part, I think, will be just getting the assets extracted and imported into the editor (can't get too detailed on that part as it's considered modding and is a no no on this forum haha).

The more i read your guys's ideas the more i look back at my first post for this and think that it was very broad info, you guys are going so far in depth haha, nothing i really thought of because i didnt think i would have success:p this is completely amazing reading all these ideas:)


What have you started!?!?! xD. So we have a pretty good idea of what we want to do, I think now we just have to start building the team and begin this project.
What I meant by the multi player part is more like odst you can play solo or invite a friend or a group up to like 16 or something and say for one person theres 100 covie for 2 250 3 400 4 550 5 700 and so on each person adding 1.5 x enimes and as for the sales it would be more like a bulletin board where you listed stuff in your game and it showed up on all games and I think pay should depend on ranking enlisted making less the non commisoned officers and them less then officers

but the main principal on the bulletin board is so you can earn more credits and you dont lose out on certain weapons or extras cause your a certain class
cause in skyrim if you invest in heavy armor you cant do light as to where a marine might need heavy for a all out fire fight and light for more of a recon class but I figure assualt does ars and such say he wants a upraded gauss cannon he goes to the board finds the upgrade and purchases it from some one of the heavy weapons class and the heavy weapon can buy a sight or a upgraded damage he grenade or such that way you can get the benifit of all classes if you wanna focus on one rather then play multiple characters
-snip-I was actually just playing Crysis 3 last night and thought about that haha. I think CryEngine 3 would make the game beautiful, it would allow us to export on any platform (but it's halo so no Sony xD). My only question is can it handle a massive "Open World"? If so, I would love to use CE3 over the other two.

Technincally... Cryengine 3, atm, supports maps up to 4km squared in size, but there is a workaround in that you can load multiple maps at once, so that once you reach a certain point in one map, it will start to render the next map as well, so that by the time you reach the end of the first 4km squared, the other map is loaded and will seamlessly transition to that one instead... Although this does require you to have enough RAM space to load each map

My thoughts were to make every weapon available to everyone. This way you can play however you want no matter what class you choose. Your class would only effect player stats, not limit them to what they can or can not use. So, for example, if you want to be a Sniper, you choose the Scout class which will give you a +5% boost to player accuracy, but you can still pick up a rocket launcher or use any other weapon. You can also, for a fee, change your class. This way you are not stuck and can play any way you want with 1 character.

Weapons will NOT be able to be customized (scopes, grips, heavy barrels, what have you) YET. Everything will be based on your player stats.

As for armor. I think that armor shouldn't effect stats. Once we start assigning stat bonuses to armor parts, we almost steer players to certain armors depending on their play type, rather than what they want to look like. So by assigning + agility to H4 variants, and say the player wants to play more as a tank but like a certain H4 perm, he won't get to play the way he wants because the stats are limiting him. The only restriction would be that Spartans can only wear MJOLNIR, marines can only wear marine armor, grunts can only wear grunt armor, etc. etc.

So to sum it all up, damage and stamina and all that will be solely decided on player stats. By leveling your character you can upgrade your health, damage, etc. and your class bonus adds a little extra.

I think we can make that work.
Hmmm idk you would only be able to go so far with stats and having to pay to change styles sounds like a pain you lose stats and what youve worked towards and if your sticking to a marine base there not like spartans they cant just grab and go do whatever and same for odst plus theyed have to pay and kinda retrain I just figured make it more free like ff14 vs being limited dont just give them everything at the start make them work and train so they can make it avalible and do stuff other then just there job classification and progress the items so the game can be longer and not be like most games these days to where you can beat it I 5 hours also cause a marine driving a sabre or getting a spartan laser right off the bat or at all wouldnt work or a comms person doing just as much damage as a assualt doesn't seem fair plus them getting a comms extra id do more like


weps dam 80
sniping 80
cqc 80
Intel 50
Reconnaissance 50


weps dam 50
sniping 50
cqc 50
Intel 80
reconnaissance 80

then let the coms buy upgraded weps
and the assualt upgraded comms systems so you dont have to start over and you could do more and create more options for replaying fire fights say for assualt they add to there reconnaissance it adds a eavesdropping objective to fire fights which grants bonus credit
or fpr comms if you get 80 sniping it adds a diffre t objective to you fire fight

plus avain there not spartans cant give them spartan classes they are just marines

either way its you guy doing it so im just throwing out ideas
What I meant about paying to change your class would be not to reset your stats, but more or less switching your stat bonus. So if I were a level 17 Spartan SCOUT, I could pay to change my Scout class to a Tank class, keep my player stats but my +5% Agility would be gone and replaced with +5% health. Everything you leveled up would be the same. Similar to activating a stone in Skyrim, where you get a little bonus and can change the stone whenever you want, granting different bonuses.
I am going to be editing the first post in this thread with all the good stuff and quote the person who posted it so its all on the front page and all right there we go:) should i email 343i and see what they think? or are we keeping this to us?

Whilst we're talking about gameplay mechanics, personally, I'm not a fan of using a class system beyond it's ability to give basic starting stats. I mean, sure, you could have class as in Spartan, Marine, ODST and all that, but I think actual classes such as tank, stealth and all that should be up to the player to build. Perhaps we could use skyrim's method as a base for this, with a similar point system, where you can put points into different perk lines each time you level up. Using classes, to me, feels really restrictive
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