Nice armour there buddy. Good work on the lights. And you've managed to make the rubies helmet look preety sweet.
I might be wrong but the upper thighs and boots seem to be from Adams new molds. Am I right?
when I first looked at this I was like "OMG RUBIES! NOOO!"
but then I looked more closely and noticed all your armor didnt look like really cheap plastic with major detailing flaws and overall stupid look. You did very good, especially with the lights.
Hi, This is Adam armor, i got from him, except the helmet. The helmet is The rubbies Deluxe, with new paint, by me, gold insert for the visor, liner inside, two fans for the hot weather with extra swicth, plus i add more lights, and padding.
The Armor Adam it came in kit form, it is a good armor but need some extra work, especially the back armor and some other parts, other than that is very good armor.
I use krylon paint, olive, hunt, brown, arylic black (airbrush) and mist of gold over the all armor. Silver for the battle damage.
I did the paint myself.
Thanks for the comments guys i will post more photos later on.