My Scout Gen 2 armour build


New Member
Hi all, been a lurker for a while whilst starting on my armour and decided to post my progress. I've 3d printer a Mandalorian armour set before so I'm quite used to the additional work and the end result is always amazing after all the hard work.

Anyways, I've decided on the Gen 2 Scout Armour as seen by Sarah Palmer. So far Ive got both shoulders, forearms done and one thigh. Had to make some mods to the thigh as I measured somewhat wrong hah. I'll use the same mods in the other thigh to keep consistency.

Helmet Im still undecided between Noble Team Carter's helmet which I have started or an Anubis helmet or even the Scout helmet, Ill decide later once all the armour is done.

Question for those with full sets, mounting wise, do you use a strap system or mount the armour to your undersuit via velcro etc?

Thanks, Ill keep posting.


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Looks really cool from what i can see!
I don't really have a full suit yet so I can't really help with that question but someone will come along lol
Question for those with full sets, mounting wise, do you use a strap system or mount the armour to your undersuit via velcro etc?
I show how I do my rigging in my video on youtube. Skip to 11:23
Here's a tutorial from out very own Ashuraa and Rock Lobbster:
Here's a tutorial on snaps from he4thbar:
I show how I do my rigging in my video on youtube. Skip to 11:23
Here's a tutorial from out very own Ashuraa and Rock Lobbster:
Here's a tutorial on snaps from he4thbar:
Awesome thanks for the video and info, I'll start thinking about this process while my parts are printing.
Hi all, been a lurker for a while whilst starting on my armour and decided to post my progress. I've 3d printer a Mandalorian armour set before so I'm quite used to the additional work and the end result is always amazing after all the hard work.

Anyways, I've decided on the Gen 2 Scout Armour as seen by Sarah Palmer. So far Ive got both shoulders, forearms done and one thigh. Had to make some mods to the thigh as I measured somewhat wrong hah. I'll use the same mods in the other thigh to keep consistency.

Helmet Im still undecided between Noble Team Carter's helmet which I have started or an Anubis helmet or even the Scout helmet, Ill decide later once all the armour is done.

Question for those with full sets, mounting wise, do you use a strap system or mount the armour to your undersuit via velcro etc?

Thanks, Ill keep posting.
i look forward to seeing more progress also you should totally do scout im totally not biased ;)
i look forward to seeing more progress also you should totally do scout im totally not biased ;)
Hah not biasd at all! Your helmet does look cool! I have a foam template for the helmet and I've thought of doing it foam first, see if I like it before I commit to printing one.
I show how I do my rigging in my video on youtube. Skip to 11:23
Here's a tutorial from out very own Ashuraa and Rock Lobbster:
Here's a tutorial on snaps from he4thbar:
The tutorials and your video is very helpful and make it very easy thanks for that. Question though for which I didnt see covered, what did you do for the forearms? Short buckle from the suit to the armour piece or velcro to the suit?
what did you do for the forearms? Short buckle from the suit to the armour piece or velcro to the suit?
The forearms have a slit in the narrow part with a bungie that pulls it together. When I slip it on, the bungie extends to allow my hand to go through, but then the forearm fits snugly on my wrist. It it not Velcro's or strapped to anything, it just stays by being snug.
The tutorials and your video is very helpful and make it very easy thanks for that. Question though for which I didnt see covered, what did you do for the forearms? Short buckle from the suit to the armour piece or velcro to the suit?
On one of my other costumes, I cut a square piece of foam (about 1" thick) and glued it to the inside of the gauntlets. It's pressed up against my forearm and keeps it snug so it doesn't slide or twist.
Been a while since I made progress but i have both shins done now. Shoes and chest is left before I start finishing on the pieces. I've added foam on the insides and they sit nicely!


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The forearms have a slit in the narrow part with a bungie that pulls it together. When I slip it on, the bungie extends to allow my hand to go through, but then the forearm fits snugly on my wrist. It it not Velcro's or strapped to anything, it just stays by being snug.
Thanks, Ill add some bungie and also foam to help with a snug fit.
On one of my other costumes, I cut a square piece of foam (about 1" thick) and glued it to the inside of the gauntlets. It's pressed up against my forearm and keeps it snug so it doesn't slide or twist.
I've tested it on the shins and works beautifully, will add it today to the forearms.
After months of not being able to work on my armor, finances, redundancy etc Im finally back on track.

I've started to sand all the armor pieces and prepping for paint. Also included a cut down version of N8TEBB's strapping to keep the thighs and shins up using straps and a belt as well as for the shoulde and forearm pieces attached to the chest piece.

I have decided though to add a cod belted piece to complete the look for me.

Once I've got it all printed,sanded and painted Ill work on the undersuit, Im thinking of simply using a snug fitting coveralls.

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