My Second Helmet

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TurkeyAssassin said:
Wow u lost some details but otherwise its pretty cool
Nice LED's

true but it is super strong now i dropped it by accident i freaked and no chips or dents also i made it so i can run in it and play air-soft with it
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Lt.Aljon said:
Cool,Airsoft!?All you'll need is a Halo airsoft gun!!!Then you can be like th MC!!!!Awsome dude!! :lol:

thanks its as hard as i can make it it still messes up the paint job when i shoot it but at least it dose not crack
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/Begin constructive criticism
There is a point where battle damage becomes too much and people loose sight of what the original item is.. had I not known it came from this forum on the streets I would have asked what is it.. (this coming from the creator of Scar the Just :\). I would really ... really reconsider sanding this puppy down and applying some more details. I know that's not what you wanted to hear but.. practice makes perfect. I know there was a many of times where I said .. ah the roughness just adds more realism... but there becomes a point where it's so rough and beaten that it no longer is what you want to call it. Also, those LED's are huge... 0.0
/End constructive criticism

/Forum rules
Please don't double post.
/End forum rules

kensai111 said:
/Begin constructive criticism
There is a point where battle damage becomes too much and people loose sight of what the original item is.. had I not known it came from this forum on the streets I would have asked what is it.. (this coming from the creator of Scar the Just :\). I would really ... really reconsider sanding this puppy down and applying some more details. I know that's not what you wanted to hear but.. practice makes perfect. I know there was a many of times where I said .. ah the roughness just adds more realism... but there becomes a point where it's so rough and beaten that it no longer is what you want to call it. Also, those LED's are huge... 0.0
/End constructive criticism

/Forum rules
Please don't double post.
/End forum rules


hmm true i do want to re-sand it and i haven't had any problems with people they have all ready been figuring out what it is i even took it to church lol and yeah i have my drimmle i am thinking about adding more things and trimming it up good constructive criticism thanks for you impute i really appreciate it and really the L.E.D.s are small they just look big on camera lol
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You're getting there, keep going though, sand sand sand & sand some more. When you think it's smooth as it can get fill all the remaining gaps and holes with spot putty... and you guessed it.. sand some more XD. Be careful on those double-posts. Just edit the post before, mods get trigger happy with the hammer if you keep doing it ;).

kensai111 said:
You're getting there, keep going though, sand sand sand & sand some more. When you think it's smooth as it can get fill all the remaining gaps and holes with spot putty... and you guessed it.. sand some more XD. Be careful on those double-posts. Just edit the post before, mods get trigger happy with the hammer if you keep doing it ;).


dang it :oops: yeah o I forget about the double post thing so much and yeah um would fiber glass jelly work better then the putty ? i hear its easy to work with ? also yes i know i am sanding it until it can be sanded no more :)
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HALOFAN111 said:
dang it :oops: yeah o I forget about the double post thing so much and yeah um would fiber glass jelly work better then the putty ? i hear its easy to work with ? also yes i know i am sanding it until it can be sanded no more :)

Never used the jelly, but the spot putty is about as easy as it gets. Put a little glob on something hard and flexible like a credit card, swipe it over the area and done. Unfortunately 50% (or more) of your work in this hobby is sanding.. lol

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kensai111 said:
Never used the jelly, but the spot putty is about as easy as it gets. Put a little glob on something hard and flexible like a credit card, swipe it over the area and done. Unfortunately 50% (or more) of your work in this hobby is sanding.. lol


oh ok cool i think if i use the jelly it will save me some sanding time but i want it to be strong so i think i am going with the putty any who thanks for the suggestion i am sanding the heck out of it right now i will have more pics later um what kind of sand paper should i use because the tuck bed liner is hard to sand i got some stuff that dose dry wall and most wood its very bumpy and think think that would work ?
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HALOFAN111 said:
oh ok cool i think if i use the jelly it will save me some sanding time but i want it to be strong so i think i am going with the putty any who thanks for the suggestion i am sanding the heck out of it right now i will have more pics later um what kind of sand paper should i use because the tuck bed liner is hard to sand i got some stuff that dose dry wall and most wood its very bumpy and think think that would work ?

Step one, get an electric mouse sander.
Step two, start with 100 grit
Step three, go down to a finer grit like 600
Step four, spot putty
Step five, spit-shine time... go for a real high grit like 1000 and give it a once over all over for a real smooth finish :)

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OK so i got this clear visor for only ONE DOLLAR !!!!!! but here is the thing i saw some gold tint and they say the more tint you add the more reflection and mirror look you get so do you guys think that tinting it is a good idea i am only 18 and unemployed so money is a deal here i have all ready gone 40 dollars over budget so have any of you done tinting and do you think its a good idea ?
kensai111 said:
Step one, get an electric mouse sander.
Step two, start with 100 grit
Step three, go down to a finer grit like 600
Step four, spot putty
Step five, spit-shine time... go for a real high grit like 1000 and give it a once over all over for a real smooth finish :)


oh sweet yeah my uncle has a mouse sander i am getting it tomorrow thanks for the advice as well
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HALOFAN111 said:
Ok so here it is i have been sanding the top of the helmet all night so any feed back ? [attachment=4888:picture_8.png]

sand sand sand some more!!
looks pretty good
be sure you're wearing a respirator!
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