My Second Helmet

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ILOL'D said:
sand sand sand some more!!
looks pretty good
be sure you're wearing a respirator!

yeah thats a big deal my uncle got sick a few times and yeah it need tons of sanding but hey i am a new and this is only my second helmet
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Watch your double posting..for the third time. Like Kensai said, I think I smell some mods with their hammers.


Keep sanding and it'll turn out great! Good luck. =]
Dark Rogue said:
Watch your double posting..for the third time. Like Kensai said, I think I smell some mods with their hammers.


Keep sanding and it'll turn out great! Good luck. =]

ahhhhh i feel like a newb

and thanks i am not sure what to do about the visor i think i am going to give in and break my wallet and get one online lol
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HALOFAN111 said:
ahhhhh i feel like a newb

and thanks i am not sure what to do about the visor i think i am going to give in and break my wallet and get one online lol

For a professional look, bite the bullet, get two HJC visors, it will improve the quality and look of your helmet 10 fold. The helmet and the chest are the two biggest areas to focus on. It's the first thing people are going to see when they look at you. Mow some lawns and donate some plasma and get that cash together :).

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kensai111 said:
For a professional look, bite the bullet, get two HJC visors, it will improve the quality and look of your helmet 10 fold. The helmet and the chest are the two biggest areas to focus on. It's the first thing people are going to see when they look at you. Mow some lawns and donate some plasma and get that cash together :).


well i am thinking about cutting my clear visor out and putting it over the gold one the gold will sine through the clear one and i think it will work and have a similar effect :D and still look good
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Ok update i have been sanding like crazy i used up 10 sheets of sand paper and it still needs sanding i need better sand paper and next time i will not put 5 coats of truck bed linear on my helmet before the sanding is done lol also i did a fit test for the clear visor the night before and it fit good here are some pics below
Very nice.
Only it looks like you folded the indents on top of the helmet up, instead of down. If you know what i mean
Matthijs said:
Very nice.
Only it looks like you folded the indents on top of the helmet up, instead of down. If you know what i mean

yeah i screwed up on that lol but i think it will turn out good plus i didn't do the HD helmet i did the MKVI Helmet by ROBOGENESIS and on the file it dose not look like you fold it down but I really cant tell
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keep up the good work! I know its infuriating sanding, but like you I first thought my helm looked good battle damaged. But I sat down and thought, am I sacrificing the true form of the helmet just because im lazy? I realized that a couple of days of effort would be a prudent thing, and now my helm has turned out alot better. Later when I am about to do a paintjob I will put in battle scars, but they will be purposeful and crafted. Best luck on yours, Im glad you decided to start to sand yours down too.
J-Kling said:
keep up the good work! I know its infuriating sanding, but like you I first thought my helm looked good battle damaged. But I sat down and thought, am I sacrificing the true form of the helmet just because im lazy? I realized that a couple of days of effort would be a prudent thing, and now my helm has turned out alot better. Later when I am about to do a paintjob I will put in battle scars, but they will be purposeful and crafted. Best luck on yours, Im glad you decided to start to sand yours down too.

thanks so much yeah i said oh what the heck i want this to be great and i am not a lazy guy so i went right back to sanding oh and your have a nice helmet by the way and yeah when it is all sanded and the edges look good then i will do the pant job and add some nice carefully placed batter scars like you :) :D :p
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Very good work after the sanding, and good luck finding gold tint because most of the people here
buy visors from motorcycle helmets because gold tints are hard to find.

But, still great work!
shadow8136 said:
Very good work after the sanding, and good luck finding gold tint because most of the people here
buy visors from motorcycle helmets because gold tints are hard to find.

But, still great work!

thanks i still have lots more work to do on it

also i bought a mirrored foot ball insert i am going to put in behind my clear visor i got it on ebay its shipping right now it has the same look and effext as an HJC visor its just very big so i will have to be careful when cutting it
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Jackal costume side project GO !

ok so i am thinking about making a jackal costume from cardboard, latex and or foam for the head and mussels i was thinking this would be more practical then the elite costume for a few reasons

one its smaller and would be easier then an elite

two they are about 5 feet tall thats about the average size of a person an elite is huge and the grunt is much to small

three it would look really cool

i have gathered lots of reference pictures and have started cutting out cardboard and making the armor i still need more reference pics um where is the link to the wiki ????

oh and also i just got some Plexiglas i am starting to cut it and trying to find a way to light up the shield :D i hope to Finnish both my costumes in about 3-4 months
well the sanding is better, but you still need to sand, using the mouse sander use it don the gaps, (where the visor is) its very rough there,

for the visor, dont buy 2 visors, buy one, then cut the design out on laminating paper and heat it on
Zenzeigan said:
well the sanding is better, but you still need to sand, using the mouse sander use it don the gaps, (where the visor is) its very rough there,

for the visor, dont buy 2 visors, buy one, then cut the design out on laminating paper and heat it on

and thats a great idea for the visor !!!! i never thought of that

yeah it needed to be sanded more i used the mouse and it did a good job i still have more sanding to do i need to get like 600 or 1000 grit the truck bed liner is caked on also here are some update pics also yeah i am saving the visor part for last of my sanding work

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HALOFAN111 said:
and thats a great idea for the visor !!!! i never thought of that

yeah it needed to be sanded more i used the mouse and it did a good job i still have more sanding to do i need to get like 600 or 1000 grit the truck bed liner is caked on also here are some update pics also yeah i am saving the visor part for last of my sanding work


you see the imrpovement so far?

its good man, but keep sanding, about 50% of armour making altogether is sanding, personally, i havent even finished bondoing my first piece, and i have no sanding tools, so im a bit of a noob, but i know what im talking about :D
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Zenzeigan said:
you see the imrpovement so far?

its good man, but keep sanding, about 50% of armour making altogether is sanding, personally, i havent even finished bondoing my first piece, and i have no sanding tools, so im a bit of a noob, but i know what im talking about :D

i would say more like 60-70 percent is sanding it takes forever lol especially when you put that much bondo and truck bed liner on lol and yep sand sand sand more sanding dose it ever end lol
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Ok so i got more bondo for those holes and bumps in my helmet but i am taking a break from my helmet and started another side project my M6D Personal Defense Weapon System aka Magnum Pistol :p from halo 1 so i just started it and have been becoming friends with my dremel so here is a peek at the work i have been doing and how it looks i only cant figure out how i am going to make it hard and dont say plumbers epoxy cuz that stuff sucks and bondo will eat this stuff so any ideas ??? ps tell me what you think criticism is welcome :p
Looks great! :D However, the vents, or pipes( call it what you will), on the side of the helmet look a bit too far out of the helmet. Other than that, awesome job!
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