23Magnum said:[...]
No really the kid needs some serious intervention and psychological help. I would suggest that either his parents block MySpace all together, or disable all internet access to their house.
Seriously, I'm disappointed with their entire family, though I wonder if his parents even know he acts like that?
BOLD # 1: I wholeheartedly agree. That kid clearly has some deep, personal issues that he needs professional help in resolving. Otherwise, he'll grow up to be one troubled adult.
BOLD # 2: Yeah, I don't think it's at all kewl how his brother and his friends were bugging him like they were just to get that sort of reaction out of him.
If that video is any indication, I'd find it hard to believe his parents haven't seen that sort of behaviour in him. I would imagine he'd act out like that with anyone who tried to get between him and his own private little world called MySpace.
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