Foam N8TEBB's Foam MA40 Halo Infinite Assault Rifle


Added mag, grip, trigger, and barrel



  • I did a lot of scoring then heating to get those line details, although I should really practice doing tight curves.​
  • The non-functional light and other bit sticking out the front of the gun have a small dowel supporting them so they don't get ripped off.​
  • I used the Dremel sanding bit to do a lot of the circles for bolt holes.​
  • The template proved to be quite useful for sizing of items and sometimes shape, but for the most part I used my printed AR and nerf AR as a guide so decide the overall geometry.​
  • Next up I need to fill the gaps with kwik seal​
The barrel is attached to the dowel that goes the entire length of the gun. It is removable. I think I will make a second barrel so I can have one black one and one orange one, interchanging them for different rules at different cons.
Are you planning on adding the ammo counter with leds? (If you said it in this forum thread my eyes probably didn't comprehend the words it saw)
Are you planning on adding the ammo counter with leds? (If you said it in this forum thread my eyes probably didn't comprehend the words it saw)
No LEDs as I want this to be as hassle-free of a prop as possible. No batteries, no lights, nothing to go wrong. The idea is it's a prop that I don't have to worry about if i drop it on the ground, get bumped in to, etc.

For the ammo counter I'll probably just use a cricut stencil or sticker
No LEDs as I want this to be as hassle-free of a prop as possible. No batteries, no lights, nothing to go wrong. The idea is it's a prop that I don't have to worry about if i drop it on the ground, get bumped in to, etc.

For the ammo counter I'll probably just use a cricut stencil or sticker
I saw a video on youtube of a guy using a light blue vinyl sticker and it looked like it was lit up just because of the color. Ended up looking better than most LED backlit ammo counters
Bit a minute since the last update! This project has actually been done for quite some time, however I simply have neglected to post.

I sealed the gun with kwik seal and sprayed it with plasti dip. I have since learned from KaeSpoon that I should give leak seal a try as it is a bit more flexible. I'll know for next time! I sprayed it with black, masker off the grey areas, did a black wash, and silver drybrushing. I used rub n buff on the front of the gun, and I also used the airbrush to do some shadows. I also gave it a satin clear finish.


I'm pretty darn happy with how it looks, especially because it's my first foam prop! For my next time, I need to improve my straight lines, as the gun does have a bit of a bow to it. I need to improve cutting small details like the circles, and maybe adding more thinner foam the the areas that I sanded heavily so they're not as rough. I may also hand paint it instead of spray paint, as masking took a really long time and needed to be touched up in some spots anyways. I'm still really happy with how it came out though! You can't really notice those imperfections when I'm holding the gun as you don't really see it perfectly from the side. The wonky details are also don't take away from it as you have to be pretty close to even see them. It is my new go-to weapon!

In the process of moving stuff around, I broke the 3D printed gun AGAIN! I had glued it back together after comic con Toronto, but it fell off my desk as I was using it a reference for the foam one XD


I brought the foam gun to C2E2 to give it a proper test run! The magnets work great!! I was able to keep the gun on my back the whole weekend. It was super handy to be able to have a large weapon with me for pictures with still having the ability to free up my hands. The magnets also stick to Rock Lobbster 's helmet and thigh magnets as we found out XD

Having the gun be foam is a HUGE help! I probably dropped this thing a dozen times throughout the weekend. I missed the magnet one time, I put my back to a metal door frame and the gun got stuck to it, I sat down not realizing I still had the gun on, there's lots of reasons it might hit the ground. There's only a few paint chips that will be super easy to clear up! Besides that, the gun is totally fine! A prop that can take a bit of a beating is SOOOO nice. I was showing people at the convention how nice it was by just throwing it on the ground! It can take it! I kept the gun with me the whole weekend because it was just so easy to work with. I didn't have to be gentle with it, and I never had to set it down. Even though I have more accurate props, and maybe fancier looking props, this one is the best for always having on-hand at a convention. Here are some pics of it in action:


Also, the interchangeable grey and orange barrels are super handy!
Where did you place the magnets in your AR and suit?
Here are a few pictures that I have from when I made it that might help you see where the magnets went.

I secured the magnets in the thruster by wrapping them in foam with a zip tie, then hot glued the foam to the inside of the thruster. Hot glue itself doesn't really hold the magnets too well.
Here are a few pictures that I have from when I made it that might help you see where the magnets went.
I secured the magnets in the thruster by wrapping them in foam with a zip tie, then hot glued the foam to the inside of the thruster. Hot glue itself doesn't really hold the magnets too well.
Thank you that helps out alot
I love that I just found this build thread after seeing it in person over the weekend, lol. I am bookmarking this for future reference for sure. I definitely want a weapon that I don't have to worry about dropping. I would be so paranoid about a 3D printed one at events!
I didn't even realize at c2 that this was foam and I saw it on your back! amazing job I'll have to attempt something similar.
Actually heart breaking seeing those photos of the broke AR, couldn't imagine how sad it was. However your new prop looks PHENOMENAL you did a fantastic job!
I love that I just found this build thread after seeing it in person over the weekend, lol. I am bookmarking this for future reference for sure. I definitely want a weapon that I don't have to worry about dropping. I would be so paranoid about a 3D printed one at events!
I didn't even realize at c2 that this was foam and I saw it on your back! amazing job I'll have to attempt something similar
thank you! It's SOOO nice having a foam gun instead of a printed one. 10/10 would recommend
your new prop looks PHENOMENAL you did a fantastic job!
thank you!!
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