NCR Trooper Armor Foam Build

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New Member
Hi guys, my name is Courage, and I've been in AA for about 2 monthes. Armor-makers Anonymous seems like a good place for me.

So, basically, I am making a set of NCR trooper armor for a guy I know. His local airsoft field is having a fallout themed event, and he is the leader of the NCR Forces, so he wants to fit the part. I know the policy on making armor to serve as actual protection here, and I will not share any of my personal efforts to do anything of the sort. This is for aesthetics only.The events not for awhile, but the field owner wants to get some good promo pics to spread the word. He's a pretty big dude, so I'm still waiting on more measurements, I don't want to get started and find out that I've done it all wrong. But anyway, what I plan on making:

Obviously, a pretty large piece, and the back piece only complicates things. Luckily, it's about as detailed as a cinderblock, so flat pieces of formed EVA foam should do perfectly well, and I know that I saw a rusted metal tutorial on here somewhere. Yeah, rusted metal. I know that this is intended to be leather in-game, but make it look metal will greatly simplify the weathering process. The strap system shouldnt be too difficult either, it's just about making a few buckles look worn. I'm going to try and avoid the mistakes others have made, and make it horizontally rectangular. Look at this picture:

In a lot of the builds I've seen, they've had the cuirass vertically rectangular, like a plate carrier. My design will only reach to slightly above the belly button, and follow the curve of the collarbones. So far, I have...well...nothing. Sorry guys. I just don't want to mis-scale when there are no redoes. I also want to post post this in The Wasteland Outpost, but it seems like no one there, I haven't gotten my verification code after 5 days, so I'm guessing that in this case, the outpost must have been deserted. I guess noones home. Or maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.

Anyway, that was a whole lot of nothing, I guess I just like typing or something. So, tl;dr, Courages's my name, Fallouts my game. Catch you all around, pics soon to come.

Edit: Yeah, those are big pics. I'll try to rescale, just new to photobucket.


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Nice concept. Haven't seen it yet before. There are some cool weathered effect tutorials out there!
Hey guys, long time no see. So, I've got the 4 main pieces cut out, and ready to form. I’m not sure if they are sufficiently symmetrical or not, but at this point, they really are going to have to do. I've been incredibly busy, with school, work, other projects, and rehabbing some airsoft guns, which really love to shed proprietary parts like a snake sheds its skin (In other words, all of them! Stellar Engineering, G&G!), so a lot of money has been sucked up by that. Really though, I retract my previous statement about only being able to cut out major parts once. I have about 5 messed up torsos, and In all honesty, I probably need to remake the shoulders again. But, the new ones have been nice and prettily stippled, leaving just about everything for the torso. I still need to trim it, form it a bit more, and then rig up a LEATHER strapping system to hold the whole deal together.

Oh yeah, GTA V too. But, the show must go on I suppose. I’ll be posting some pictures of the heat formed parts later tonight, if homework doesn’t take too long. The Lady's starting to say I'm being obsessive. Of course I'm obsessed! They made me this way! Do you think I don't know how crazy I sound? Of course I do! So, a little break from Xbox and armor might be in order soon, but I swear I’ll post some pictures really soon, as soon as I get the spider infestation dealt with. Nasty little buggers. I’ve got a steady source of income again, so more foam to waste is on the way. Unfortuntly, I stil haven’t gotten anything from the Wasteland Outpost, and it seems only 2 or 3 people are still active. Drat, the one dedicated place to share is gone.

I know that this was just another block of nothing, really, but I'll post some pictures tommorow, so this doesnt get locked.
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