Need some help


New Member
currently making my first master chief suit would appreciate if someone could point me in the direction oof a tutorial on how to properly strap it for use?
Hey Thad, we have a whole Tutorial Section with its own Index that has an organized list of many of Tutorials.
It can be found here:

The "Strapping Guide" tutorial is here:

And the "Snap Fasteners. Seamless armor to under-suit attachment" guide can be found here:
Hey Thad, we have a whole Tutorial Section with its own Index that has an organized list of many of Tutorials.
It can be found here:

The "Strapping Guide" tutorial is here:

And the "Snap Fasteners. Seamless armor to under-suit attachment" guide can be found here:
dude thank you so much!
In my case, the only armour that really needed strapping was the thigh/calf armour which is velcroed to a strap which attaches to a belt. Everything else if you pack with spongey foam it should stay in place on your arms.
In my case, the only armour that really needed strapping was the thigh/calf armour which is velcroed to a strap which attaches to a belt. Everything else if you pack with spongey foam it should stay in place on your arms.
ok, thanks for the advice! the shoulders might also need some padding but ill see how far i can go wiht just padding


Just as an example, all the foam i need in my wristt piece. just 3 pieces at either end to surround the arm
You're probably not going to be wearing the armor nude.
Filling/foaming the armor to match your naked arm might make it overly tight when you put on your under suit depending on its thickness.
Could be worth figuring out what that under armor is going to be. If its thin performance material it might not be an issues. If it's BDU/ACU type heavier/looser clothing that could be another matter.
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