Anyone hardcore enough to get the 405th logo? I was just admiring it at the top of the page and thought it would actually look pretty cool as a tattoo.
Anyone hardcore enough to get the 405th logo? I was just admiring it at the top of the page and thought it would actually look pretty cool as a tattoo.
Ok so used my long used Halo emblem the Golden Skull King and some ODST drop pod concept art to design this tattoo except revamped to somthen a little special and with a little help from my Japanese tattoo artist we came up with this design. Shading starts tonight will continue to post as it comes out.
I really like it, and the colours make it seem like a nod to the Red vs Blue of multiplayer (or the show). The shading is really well done too. Can't wait to see the finished product.So the bleedings done, cleaned it up for a picture post for yous guys to see. Now I know someone is gonna tell me thats not the true color of the ODST drop pod...and me being the guy getting an ODST tattoo...ofcourse I already know that. I wanted to incooperate the blue from my emblem into the design and we threw a dash of red to make it all pop. Kindof a retro style to it but I like it. Hope you guys like it too.