NEW 405th Emblem to honor our outstanding ODST's

Might just have to pick myself up one of these, love the ODST representation
Might be a bit of a wait sadly, Hammer is still really busy, and I know that there are a few other logos going through the approval process. They might be waiting until what's on the list now gets final approval, but I'm not privy to those conversations, so who knows?
Might be a bit of a wait sadly, Hammer is still really busy, and I know that there are a few other logos going through the approval process. They might be waiting until what's on the list now gets final approval, but I'm not privy to those conversations, so who knows?
I won't be ready to get one for a good while anyway thankfully
Hey folks, a bunch of you have been asking about stickers, and I come bearing news! Not good news mind you, but not bad news either. I'm gonna shoot straight with y'all and not over promise anything. I have talked to some of the "powers that be" and they have confirmed that getting this logo into the store is on the list of stuff they're working on. That's it, that's the update. I don't have a time line, could be tomorrow, could be next year, could be longer than that, but it IS in the works. See, told ya, not good or bad news, just news. Be patient Helljumpers! We'll get our stickers eventually!
The 405th had an amazing number of ODST's in attendance at the LA Red Carpet Premiere of Halo the Series and at the request of one of our members, Lukavago13, who's early rendition of a special 405th ODST emblem got our wheels spinning and we landed on this inspired addition to our formally recognized emblem lineup. I give you the 405th ODST. As with all of the 405th branding you may present it on your armor following the style guides attached to this message. Any use outside of this for merchandise or any other is strictly prohibited and any use other than armor for single one off items must be approved through your RCO and the Division Identity Officer. We hope in the near future to add this item to our Redbubble 405th Community Store so keep on the lookout for that, until next time Helljumpers....Feet First!!View attachment 318138
This logo is so solid.
I know this thread is over a year old now, but is it out yet? I'm still trying to find my way around this site, and I can't find it in the armory. Great design by the way! Now I just need to get started on my armor.
I know this thread is over a year old now, but is it out yet? I'm still trying to find my way around this site, and I can't find it in the armory. Great design by the way! Now I just need to get started on my armor.
Sadly not. At the moment, the 405th store is down while Division tries to clarify some of the rules regarding logo use, but even prior to that stickers hadn't been approved yet. Staff consist of volunteers, so things have to happen in our limited free time.
Are we allowed to use these to make our own decals and such? Seeing as they're not yet available in the store.
Are we allowed to use these to make our own decals and such? Seeing as they're not yet available in the store.
Yes, but be aware that you have to follow the rules in the identity guide, and can not make them to hand out or sell.
Yes, but be aware that you have to follow the rules in the identity guide, and can not make them to hand out or sell.
Thanks for the quick reply. No worries. Not looking to sell. Was just thinking of getting my sister in law to make me a decal or sticker or something using her cricut.
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