New 405th Game Night

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Im down for a gamenight sometime.


ill try and keep checking this to see when you guys are having one lol
Hey does anyone want to play reach?...Maybe infected gametype. My gamertag is Bamboozle77. Please respond because I have nothing better to do :)
Between my son & me we're on a lot.
GT: ki1l ki1l ki1l

if u send a friend request just mention 405th
Maybe we should have our own 405th clan?
I'd be down to clan it up! But I don't think I'd be willing to pay for the namechange..

Anyways guys, I'm currently NashKurlz on there, I'll try and remember to include a message, but if I don't, then remember meeeeee!

Wouldn't it be weird if two of us teamed up and realized they'd muted each other for in-game fighting? I see so many spats and arguments and annoying people on there, I just wonder if the laws of probability will bring us back together.
I play a little bit more on the competitive side of Halo, primarily MLG and Team Slayer but Id love a few of you on my friends list. My gamer tag is Define Luck:cool
im up for a game night. i just cant play on spire. my disc doesnt work right. also my gamertag is. ShaiyaOwns and if u send a friend me say "im from the 405th"
Hey Guys, I'm all up for a game night, Custom games on reach too? Nothing to complex stuff like Bumper cars n such things....

On Xbox I'm TestSubjectQWTD

**EDIT** Just realised what time these messages were posted maybe we can set up some sort of weekly- Monthly game night thing....
hey!, guess ive just missed this one, but would love to join in next time around,

on live im "TehRozi"
I think there's something up with matchmaking or something? Because we haven't been able to connect to a single game yet...
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