Well here's a breakdown of what I spent so far for this project:
Armor mold construction:
Prototyping Cardboard- Free... Contact USPS for a box of shipping boxes.
Mat Boards - $50 (7 sheets @ $7 each from Pearl Paint)
Rigid Expanding Polyurethane Foam (Preferrably Smooth-On's Foam-It series) - $80 for a 1 gallon kit.
Plastics: $70 for 15 sheets of plastic for 1 MC suit.
Vacuum Forming Equipment:
Wooden plastic holding frame: $16
Pegboard: $8
6.5HP Wet Vacuum: Already had one from previous vac projects.
Weather Stripping: $6
Metal hinges and screws: $5
Misc. Stuff:
Gold Window Tint: $24
Hot Glue Gun: $12
Hot Glue: $5 for a pack
Duct Tape: $1 for 60yds
Masking Tape: $1 for 10yds
TOTAL: $278.00
I think it's pretty cheap compared to purchasing an armor set off of ebay or a dealer. The most expensive luxury that you have to consider is just your time. I spent 3 weeks total on constructing this armor already. With another 3 weeks of work, the armor should be completely finished.
There are a few other things I have to purchase later down the road to complete the armor...
Black Plastic Snap Buckles: $2 each (I'm probably going to need around 10 or so.)
Nylon Straps: $3 a yard
Undersuit: (Questionable as of this time.)
Spray Paint/Primer: $5 a can... So depending on the weathering job, I might need about 4 or 5 cans.
Bright White LEDs: $2 a pop on Jameco.com
Gloves/Boots: Winter is coming... There should be a sale on that stuff all around.

Padding for the armor: This is gonna need to be custom made. I'll probably just sew it myself.
So that's about another $45 to $50 more. Not too bad. I'm just looking to stay below the $400 mark.
Overall, I'm aiming to have this all done before Christmas rolls around. Hopefully.
Originally the intention was to build armor just for my buddies and I to go paintballing in... but now I'm thinking of rigging the interiors of the armor with electronics from the old skool laser tag toys. I also wanna install a 2-way radio into each of the helmets so we can communicate with each other while we play. Figure it would be fun to play a real game of Halo for once.