New but old


New Member
Hello everyone! I joined some time back (several years) but I've never posted anything so here I am now! I already made my suit of Halo reach/ Halo 3 ODST armor mix and I have taken it to several comic cons and have tones pictures! My armor is a mix of 3D prints, EVA foam, and some led wiring stuff, so I have learned lots about different methods to paint and what different materials need! I do have a small issue though, I have just lost all of the Halo files that I had due to some computer issues. So ill be searching for all the stuff I lost over the next few weeks, any suggestions are welcome!
"Welcome to reach" *halo reach menu theme intensifies*

If any of the files you lost were purchased, double check the email you used to buy them or contact the seller directly.

As for free files, give the file index a look in the armory. MoeSizzlac and other outstanding members have been kind enough over the years to provide lots of 3d printing and pepakura files for alot of armors and props from the games.

If your looking to buy new files you haven't had before, some folks I personally recommend would be Titlewave, Galactic Armory, oddworks, PlanetAlexander, and NerdforgeDesigns. There's lots of others but I'd end up writing a book listing them all.

Hope you find everything you're lookin for!
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