New Foam armor project.

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Well-Known Member
I just start my MK VI foam helmet. Here are the pictures of what I got so far.


I will update this build weekly so stay tune for more. Thanks for looking. ;)
Very nice looking foam work so far, and if anyone can pull off a Foam helmet it would be you. I find myself looking forward to see how this comes out.
Nice work man some top foam skills you got there. Looks like I've started something with the foam helmets :)
This looks great. but I do have a question. What thickness of foam are you using? It looks like you are using a thinner 4mm or 6mm foam.
This looks great. but I do have a question. What thickness of foam are you using? It looks like you are using a thinner 4mm or 6mm foam.

The foam mats that I used are 8 mm thick. I got them from liquidation station. They are a bit smaller size than the one from wallmart and a lot softer, easier to work with.
Whoa. Both those buckets look fantastic. I've been thinking about trying my hand at foam again after failing spectacularly both times. Awesome job, I wanna see more!
Wow Sandy! The Mk.VI and space marine look amazing! You've got this foam helmet thing down.:)
Like the marine helmet. Might have to steel that for my terminator suit :p
The more i see these awesome foam helmets by both you and drack makes me wanna do my odst helm to this amount of perfection if possible
Aesome Job Sandy!!! Yor skllz are sick! I like seeing all these new and exciting builds utilizing foam, definitely inspiring!

Thank you Xarmymustang and Blackular27. I love all your builds as well.
another update pictures.
This is my commission build for someone in US.

and my landloard's son this year Halloween costume.

I will try to finish my marine and FMA costumes before Halloween stay tune for more.
Oh wow, busy with the foam it looks like lol. Everything looks amazing! Can't wait to see the rest of it.
you have a lot of skill with foam! I mean, that foam mark 6 helmet you did is amazing! Not to mention the really awesome Reach build you are being commissioned to make! - I have to ask, how long has it taken you to make that build so far ? (Since I know that you work really fast and you did your first build in like...2 weeks :D)
you have a lot of skill with foam! I mean, that foam mark 6 helmet you did is amazing! Not to mention the really awesome Reach build you are being commissioned to make! - I have to ask, how long has it taken you to make that build so far ? (Since I know that you work really fast and you did your first build in like...2 weeks :D)

The commission build took me 1 month to get this far. I haven't finish that yet I still have to do the cod piece. The MK VI helmet took me 4 days so same the marine helmet but Alphone helmet took me 2 days. I hope this answer your question and if you need any help with foam project I am here.
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