New Foam armor project.

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i keep having problems with putting on my armor. how do you put it on? are there places that come apart on the chest piece? because i keep trying different ways to attach velcro and every way it has just torn off. do you just make it big enough to put on like a shirt? does the back split open? help would be awesome!
I cut the right side of my chest piece and add the buckle. It should solve the problem.
Oh and I won Best costume today Yeah....
I cut the right side of my chest piece and add the buckle. It should solve the problem.
Oh and I won Best costume today Yeah....

arent you a little short for a space marine... LOL couldnt resist. Looks great sandy, grats!
woah how did I not see this until now? Sandy this turned out awesome! The Skull emblem is amazingly detailed!!

Any ideas for your next project?
I thought my thred is lost in space. I made the MKVI helmet by using the pep file and some free hand pieces. Oh and my next project will be either samus arran from metroid or mobile suit gundam.
Nah its only been a month lol. Cant wait to see your next project whatever it may be
This is fantastic. Seriously this work is awesome. Oh, once you finish up with that Alphonse armour feel free to send it my way I'll glady find a home for it..... :)
If someone necro posts, and then someone posts to say it was a necro post, isnt that something akin to the pot calling the kettle black?
I dont see how it was a necro post anyways, it was only two months lol.

Glad to know you still working on it sandy :)
Viper, how should is say this, "HE TOOK MAH JOB!" anyway i usually respond to people necroposting to tell them that in the thread so people understand to always check the date before posting. anyways awesome samus helmet!
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