New MC Infinite Build, First Timer

Sure, give me a sec. And actually no, I just hot glued it into place. I placed the battery bank in the little pocket I sewed, which is towards the crown/back of the head. The little switch is right by my chin, easy to reach and change settings. The fabric piece by the front is just velcored over the battery compartment so its not exposed.
That's actually really smart on how the wires run. plus it'd be helpful if the fans are loud at all to turn down just to hear someone; then turn them up after. I love that!
That's actually really smart on how the wires run. plus it'd be helpful if the fans are loud at all to turn down just to hear someone; then turn them up after. I love that!
Yeah these are not that powerful. Even at full blast I can easily hear outside the helmet and things around me.
Progress Update. Just got my K1 max, loving the printer. Was having a hard time printing consistently with a 0.6 nozzle, so went back to the 0.4 and now the printer is churning out perfect prints every time.

I have a question in regards to padding inside the armor. I plan on using at least 1mm foam, I was just wondering what the best method of attaching would be? Hot glue, superglue or something else entirely? Thanks!
Progress Update. Just got my K1 max, loving the printer. Was having a hard time printing consistently with a 0.6 nozzle, so went back to the 0.4 and now the printer is churning out perfect prints every time.

I have a question in regards to padding inside the armor. I plan on using at least 1mm foam, I was just wondering what the best method of attaching would be? Hot glue, superglue or something else entirely? Thanks!
I use hot glue for the foam inside my wrist pieces or any foam I put in helmets, and will use it for most of my current build on the parts that just need a foam backing for comfort.

When I want to be extra secure though (like using foam for a flak jacket and attaching printed parts to the face on my Soldier Boy build) I like to use contact cement. The contact cement is probably the "best" option for any gluing, but I'm not patient enough to wait the 15 minutes for every part.
Progress Update. Just got my K1 max, loving the printer. Was having a hard time printing consistently with a 0.6 nozzle, so went back to the 0.4 and now the printer is churning out perfect prints every time.

I have a question in regards to padding inside the armor. I plan on using at least 1mm foam, I was just wondering what the best method of attaching would be? Hot glue, superglue or something else entirely? Thanks!
I use CA glue (super glue) with an activator to glue 3D printed parts. You may want to reinforce the seams as well with some sort of epoxy

I find contact cement is the best for gluing foam to foam
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