New member here

I had either the same or a very similar undersuit for my first outing with my Mark IV. I talk about it a bit in my build thread, I really like that it gives a "busy" look without needing to actually have anything underneath. I've since switched to a black undersuit (padded shirt) because I felt that the bright undersuit clashed a bit with my metallic blue armor, but I still think it's a great option for an undersuit, especially for the darker armor sets.

Also, I fully appreciate the Henry Cavill Fist Reload™ in the video. 10/10, no notes.
I had either the same or a very similar undersuit for my first outing with my Mark IV. I talk about it a bit in my build thread, I really like that it gives a "busy" look without needing to actually have anything underneath. I've since switched to a black undersuit (padded shirt) because I felt that the bright undersuit clashed a bit with my metallic blue armor, but I still think it's a great option for an undersuit, especially for the darker armor sets.

Also, I fully appreciate the Henry Cavill Fist Reload™ in the video. 10/10, no notes.
I agree with the undersuit looking busy! And also with the clashing of colours because I'm still fighting myself that it looks good with my current armour colour scheme but it's definitely awesome for something quick and easy!

Haha! Thank you very much!
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