1st Build New Recruit’s first outfit (Mark V [b])

Hey all! I’m Joey. I’ve been working on my first outfit for a few months now and finally decided it was time to share! I'm going for an Infinite-based Mark V (b) suit with all the fixins. I got the ripped game models from a google drive here.

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I got the 3D print files from InstinctCreative3D over on Etsy and NerdforgeDesigns on CGtrader. So far I've printed all the exterior armor out and made it mostly wearable (but barely). I still have a lot of fasteners and a harness system to work out. Right now its mostly held together with velcro, pressure, and a dream.

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In the near future I will be adding an LED system to the chest and legs. After that I'll be casting an undersuit from urethane rubber. Its a daunting to-do list but I'm up for the challenge!
Awesome work! I like the color scheme. Would you be able to share how you are attaching the shoulder plates to the bicep pieces? I am trying to figure out the best way, or if it would make sense to just print them together as one piece?
Awesome work! I like the color scheme. Would you be able to share how you are attaching the shoulder plates to the bicep pieces? I am trying to figure out the best way, or if it would make sense to just print them together as one piece?
This has been a real difficult part of the suit for me. I printed them separately, with my shoulder pieces attached to my bicep pieces via velcro. Its not very sturdy so I will need to figure out an alternative. If I were to start my suit all over again, one of the things I would do differently is to either print the shoulder and bicep as one piece or design them to physically interlock, securing them with machine screws. The only up side to printing them separately is that I can switch out the shoulders with new ones whenever I want.
This has been a real difficult part of the suit for me. I printed them separately, with my shoulder pieces attached to my bicep pieces via velcro. Its not very sturdy so I will need to figure out an alternative. If I were to start my suit all over again, one of the things I would do differently is to either print the shoulder and bicep as one piece or design them to physically interlock, securing them with machine screws. The only up side to printing them separately is that I can switch out the shoulders with new ones whenever I want.
First of all, incredible build! You should be proud of the work you've done!

I wanted to add my two cents regarding attaching the shoulders to the biceps. I personally cut up outdoor Velcro and used that, as well as a few dots of hot glue on the inside of the connection. That way they feel super secure, but are still pretty easily removable if you ever want to swap shoulders at some point.

I have also seen some designs that incorporate screws like you were saying. TurboCharizard for example has done that with his Mark VII files (and probably others, I just don't have them).
Yo that's absolutely awesome. are the LEDS supposed to be the shield emitters? where did you get such bright lights off a coin battery?
Thanks! I honestly dont know what the lights on the suit are for in canon but I think thats a good guess. As for the brightness, I was accidentally overclocking the LEDs because I thought they were 3.2v when they were really 2v. I don’t recommend you do the same. Anyway, I got the LEDs from this store
MAN this is looking good so far. How are you gonna tackle the helmet visibility?
I bought this cheap sport helmet camera that just so happened to perfectly fit in the eye of the helmet. It doesn't add much in terms of visibility but its better than a distant peephole.

One detail I really wanted to add to my outfit was some dogtags! They're just some standard dogtags with black silicon silencers, but they're very close to what Jorge-052 had in Reach so I'm happy with them. I really wish I could get the debossed UNSC logo on mine though. I tried 3d printing one but it was too hard to get the details right.

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