New Recruit, just learned about 405th while in cosplay at Dragoncon


New Member
Hi! I'm new to the forums but have been a long time halo fan. My husband already had an account but I didn't really know what it was for until this weekend. We did our first halo cosplays this weekend at Dragoncon in Atlanta and were approached by multiple (incredibly nice) people asking if we were 405th. It really peaked my interest to dive into the community a little more and learn was the group is all about. I have never been on a forum like this so any tips are appreciated!


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welcome to the Forum!

We are pretty laid back but there are some common things that are particular to the "forum" style that is different compared to social media.

Firstly I would recommend checking out the rules section and the information about the 405th. it lays out pretty well who we are and what we are about. as well as a few expectations on behavior and interactions with others on the site and how we represent ourselves.

But generally, most of us post to a "thread" with pictures and updates on our personal builds. Often people interact with these threads with praise, constructive criticisms, suggestions and ideas, or recommendations based on each of our personal experiences.

We have spaces for more regional groups to promote cohesion and interactivity between members where possible and we can have a lot of collaboration on projects, events, or online hangouts.

Looking forward to seeing you around the site! and to what you have made and to what you will make!
Welcome to the forum! im here for over a year and I got a ton of helfull hints and tips for my projects. Like rickrtickr said, just go one and introduce yourself with your build and some more detail-pictures of your work :)
Hi new friend! ;) I have no doubt that you've found your new home. Welcome! You know how to find me if you have any questions. Glad to have you here!
Glad to see so many of our members making new people feel so very welcome! Welcome aboard Spartan!
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