Ninja Turtle movie

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Jr Member
Not sure how many of you guys are looking forward for the movie or just want to avoid it all together. But I am kinda looking forward to it. Except for April O'Neil. The turtles new look has been reveled. Also it looks like Shredder will be in it to. Heres a link to it.

Also the images.







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I like the new looks, I mean, if you've read the 'leaked script' it may not be "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" but it's not complete garbage. I just hope the 'leaked script' isn't how the movie will run, I like my TMNT's :(
this might be a remake of the TMNT 2 movie when they where sent back in time to japan. and that's just judgeing from the armor.
That would be TMNT 3. TMNT 2 was when they discovered the secret behind the ooze that mutated them.

Personally, I'm looking forward to this movie, as I've been a fan of TMNT since I was in elementary school (~1990). The only thing with this movie that I'm not looking forward to is Megan Fox as April O'Neil. So far, I'm digging the looks of the new turtles; but this is the first time I've seen any pictures of Shredder, and I'm not quite sure about how I feel about the looks yet.

I just hope they don't make it into too serious of a movie. I'm all for dramatic action, but they're supposed to be teenagers after-all, which means there should be some comic relief.
like in the TMNT movie where at lest we watched ralph in full body armor (AKA kind of like us.) get beaten up by a carb looking guy. and black betty playing like a boss. or when mike was stake boarding and said. "so it's like Haley's comet only monster's come out."
I grew up with them as well. As a child of the 80's, I've seen many iterations of the turtles.

The only thing with this movie that I'm not looking forward to is Megan Fox as April O'Neil.

Personally, I'm not too much of Megan Fox fan. She was okay in Bay's first two Transformers films, but I haven't really enjoyed anything else that she has been in.

So far, I'm digging the looks of the new turtles; but this is the first time I've seen any pictures of Shredder, and I'm not quite sure about how I feel about the looks yet.

Agreed. I like the initial take on Shredder, with all regards except his face. He appears to have a very dark and diabolical appearance, but he has too much of a transformer-esque look to his face.

I also agree with the desire to see them not push too much drama into it. As you said, they are teenagers, afterall.

I don't recall Shredder ever being an alien. Which series was that?

Edit: NVM, I think I found it. I believe you're referring to the 2003-2007 series. I wouldn't consider that "back in the day." When I think of old school turtles, I'm still going back to the 80's cartoon and early 90's movies. Most of the subsequent shows/movies, I'm not up to date with.
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