Nintendudes Pepakura Collection

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its lookingpretty good, but i like the x armor styles of MM.

i am looking around for a 3ds or something to help you, but i aint paying 180.00 for one


that would be Zero from the megaman zx saga
yeah dude that looks cool do it and i have pix of a real rider helmet at all angles would that help ill e mail it to you
Belakor said:
The Panteon from Rockman Zero GBA series

Even though they don't require it (on these two at least) it'd probably be a good idea to credit the people making these models, just as a courtesy... credit where credit's due and all that :)

As well as the person did on the models I am definatly going to give him credit and if I can find his e-mail I plan to send him the pep files.
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Queen said:
Nintendude, if you could do any Zoid creature when you have time, I think I'd explode with happiness.

What would you do with a Zoid, well besides putting a actual pet inside it, LOL.
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Nintendude said:
What would you do with a Zoid, well besides putting a actual pet inside it, LOL.

You know a dachshund in Zoid armor would be awesome. ;D

Actually, I think it'd be pretty cool if I could cosplay Gojulas Giga...
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Nintendude said:
Actually thats is on my list to do for a 300 helmet I just have not gotten around to it and other things have been coming up on me so it will get done and added as well soon, the file I have for it though I think is a HD model that I am pepping form but it still won't take up too many pages course the magneto helmet I have could double as that but it would require after-building-modificaton to make it work I think until I get up the 300 Helmet.

YEAAHHHH this is gonna be epic you rule also i am already working on a cardboadr and paper mache one but the pep one will bw so much cleaner

also i cant seem to open .rar files any suggestions?
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Nintendude said:
Tumbucu I could'nt get that page to load if there is some kind of 3d file on the site for the kamen rider or something try to e-mail it to me and I will see what can be done, but I could'nt get that page to load.


me too... can't load the page.....


OT do you have any tutorial(or link) on how to do this 3d helmet (or pictures) on sketchup,i wanna learn too,if you don't mind....

how's the mask rider doing?
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S.I.T said:
long time ago i thought of making a liger zero that stood upright but i was a young nieve teen who watched a butload of anime.

now i know the dream is real

That'd take a lot of tweaking, but the end result might be kinda cool. I just want to make little paper models for display, but then Nintendude mentioned pets, so my dog might get some armor...
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everyone keeps asking about sketchup, does anything other then skectchup up open the skp files types?

so far i haven seen anything, which sucks cause skp is sp easy to use. but cant go into pep-designer
Hey Queen pick one and I'll add it to my ever building list of things to do right now I just have Megaman, Zero, Panteon, and I'm still looking for Kamen and Power Ranger stuff. But I'll be done with the Megaman collection by the end of the week no matter what. But heres those links for you Queen.

LT-GRAVE if you get stuff from the Google 3D warehouse get it as a zip or Collada file if the person has one.
Nintendude said:
Hey Queen pick one and I'll add it to my ever building list of things to do right now I just have Megaman, Zero, Panteon, and I'm still looking for Kamen and Power Ranger stuff. But I'll be done with the Megaman collection by the end of the week no matter what. But heres those links for you Queen.

LT-GRAVE if you get stuff from the Google 3D warehouse get it as a zip or Collada file if the person has one.

Ooooh, thanks, Nintendude! I'm a really big fan of Ligers, so I guess I'll go with the Blade Liger.
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It's been added to my list it will be done after I finish Megaman and as long as the Rocketeer Helmet does'nt get in the way between now and then which Road Warrior is still working on the 3d for it.
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