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I thought the police in ODST were rather interesting. Their uniform seems to consist of:

A sort of bullet proof plate thing that resembles a smaller version of what many police use today, a ribbed black fabric piece with what i imagine would be some sort of armor or kevlar underneath. This also has the police insignia on it.

BDU's, I cannot tell if the BDU's are supposed to be black or blue. It seems weird that the NMPD leader in the ONI building would be wearing a different colored Cap than his BDU's, but maybe it is supposed to be that way.


The headgear is either what i believe to just be a UNSC marine helmet with a riot shield covering the face or a blue version of the UNSC Cap which may or may not be the same color as the BDU's.

The police are seen with many different weapons, but a pistol would make sense, though according to Halopedia the police would have had their own version of the M6 pistol instead of conveniently using the same kind as the ODST's. They are also seen using shotguns quite often, which also makes sense if you compare them to modern police forces. Most of the other weapons they use in game are probably supposed to be battlefield pick ups, though it is possible that some SWAT members would be armed with AR's or normal SMG's. I would prefer a SWAT varient of the NMPD costume for people who want an AR, but I don't think there has been any specialized SWAT units seen in either the comics or in ODST. I imagine a NMPD SWAT would wear black UNSC marine armor over their blue/black BDU's, and wear the marine helmet without a face shield. Perhaps they would have such additions as a helmet light or some specialized piece of tactical armor.

Does anybody have any reference picture of these guys in ODST? It would be nice to see exactly what parts of the NMPD uniform I missed, and exactly how each piece looks.


Here is one screenshot that I have been able to locate on Halopedia:


So I have noticed several things in this pic. First of all I am not sure if the helmet is just a marine helm with a shield or if it is modified. I THINK its the same but I'm not 100%. I also noticed the uniform under the armor. I think that the shirts are a different color to denote rank. The cop on the left has a light blue shirt while the Sgt. or LT. is wearing what I believe is a black shirt, though it could be a dark blue.

The rest of the uniform is very weird and is going to be hard to figure out so I need as much input as possible.

I cannot tell whether the plate over the chest is supposed to be by itself, or whether it is supposed to be part of a larger tactical vest. The Big straps connect to the chest plate, which seems to be a large piece that actually covers the entire upper body. I think that it may be worn like a piece of American Football padding. That then raises the question of why there are large shoulder straps when the chest piece should just drape over the shoulders. Well other than saying it was just an ascetic piece I think a practical reason for this would be that the upper body/chest piece is actually separated in half. One side covers the front of the body and one side covers the back. The straps then connect the two pieces. this would create a one size fits all armor piece for the Police Department.

If the upper torso bit is like how i described above, then what the heck is the lower torso consist of? The fabric is a different color from the sleeves, and there are pouches and some other details which tells me it isnt a shirt. For now i am going to assume that it is actually a tactical vest worn over the shirt. So the officer puts on his shirt, then the vest, and lastly he drapes the upper torso armor piece over himself and tightens the straps to make it snug.

Another mystery is the neck piece. Is it connected to another part of the uniform? How is it worn? Is part of it hidden underneath the upper torso piece? is it connected to the upper torso piece? I really dont know. I THINK but am not certain that it is just an extension of the upper torso piece.

The last mystery for now is the shoulder piece. All three officers are only wearing one, and one officer wears it on a different side than the others. What does this mean? Do some officers wear two shoulder pieces? Do they attach using the black bands seen on the officers naked arms? They look almost like MOLLE drop leg pads to me, just put on the arm instead of the thigh.

Any thoughts anyone? Finding a good close up pic of these cops only creates more questions in my mind about their uniform. It is still very confusing.
I took 25 screenshots of these guys last night, I'll be adding them here sometime today. I asked Adam to add a NMPD folder to the gallery, will upload when that happens.

It is easy enough to find fatigue caps. Just in 60 seconds I found them in several shades of blue.I think the Cap is actually a little lighter than what the picture leads you to believe. More of a Navy blue instead of the midnight blue. Maybe even a little lighter than navy. Of course once you get the cap you then have the task of trying to figure out how the hell to get the NMPD logo on it. Perhaps if I can find a versions of the logo that could be sent to an embroiderer or something. The helmet decal could be made with a water slide decal or something,while the chest decal would almost HAVE to be painted on.
Hmm, interesting. I'd say the helmet looks like a modified Marine helmet. The front part doesn't seem to extend as far forward on the NMPD helmets, it's closer to being straight down, if you get what I'm saying. To me, it looks like there's the main shirt, and then a tactical vest over it, with the plate armor, pouches, etc). You may be right about the armor and big shoulder straps being separate, though. Personally, I think the neck armor piece is actually on the shirt and not the vest, (and the vest only goes up as high as the top of the armor plate) but maybe I've been staring at the screen for too long. The shoulder pad is probably worn on the non-dominant arm (for added protection, since that's the side facing the enemy), maybe the one officer is left-handed.
Yeah i have a feeling that the helmet isn't quite right.

As for the torso ideas, without seeing the back I think that your idea would work. Just find a gray tactical vest and either cut off un-needed pouches or get a gray MOLLE vest and put whatever on. I think the MOLLE would be a good way to do it, hopefully they make them in gray. You may have to ruin the vest by cutting off some of the molle stripes to clean up the look though lol. So so far it seems, shirt (which itself will have to be customized a bit), Stripped down vest, then the weird upper torso plate. What a weird uniform! You would think the police would extend the armor plate down to the stomach.

I actually now think that the neck piece is actually part of the upper torso armored piece that rests over the vest. The armor is exactly the same color and if you look closely the silvery armor is attached to a larger black piece, this is what drapes over the vest. It looks like it COULD easily extend all the way up, its just hard to tell due to the big silver neck armor being in the way. It could really go either way, but it would probably be easier if the neck thing was part of the armored piece.

I think you are right about the shoulder thing, its worn on the off arm, although in the pics all the marines are right handed, this is probably due to BUNGIE laziness.

Gah this uniform is rather confusing lol. It will require a lot of fabric cutting and sewing, even the shirt needs tons of work.
Here's a few I just uploaded for now:





The helmet is the same as the Marines except for the front which is quite shorter;

There appears to be several colors of uniforms - brown, light gray, navy, and black;

Some of them have shoulder pieces and some don't.

I'll try to get some more up later.
Hopefully seeing more screenshots will help clear up some confusion about these pieces. Either way, it's more about costume making and fabric work than about armor building, really. : /

Edit: Oh look, more awesome pics while I was posting! Thanks Ruze! Well that pretty much solves all the questions about the look except that dang neck piece, heh.
Very nice!

So yes there is definitely a tactical vest. From there on its all up to what you as the maker would want. You could wither just make the vest/chest plate one piece or still have the plate drape over the shoulders and just have it come down in the back to form that black rectangle in the back. I dunno what I would do, the chest piece really looks separate but it also looks like it would just be a part of the vest. It all actually looks like a soft version of H3 marine armor.

It looks like the sleeve color is independent from the rest of the shirt. If you look on some of the cops it looks like the bit of shirt under the vest is black while the sleeves can be blue.

The necks piece may be part of the vest, or perhaps the shirt is a turtle neck? It would make for a weird shirt with different colored sleeves, weird stripes, and a turtle neck but then the neck armor would just be strapped around the neck like a big necklace. Since all this armor is probably just used for riots, I think that a the NMPD uniform shirt would look very weird without all the armor.

Last thing for now, both shoulders can have the padding, so it doesn't really matter either way.
The neck plate is a piece of armor that appears to be strapped and possibly bolted onto a collar that is part of the vest underneath:



Do you guys think that those HJC visors will pull off that look from the visors in the game, or are they too small?

Would be a sweet build to do though *jotting down on notepad*.

the helmet would probably be the only part of the suit that would need to be hard. The 3d file for the helmet could be easily modeled off a pre-existing file for a marine helmet. the rest of the armor could be soft parts. I'm been waiting for an opportunity to get into 3d modeling. looks like this could be it. I'll think i will try out 3ds max.
Good luck trying out modeling!

The problem with the soft parts is that to get them to look right will take lot of work. The shirt is very different from contemporary clothing, so it will need a lot of sewing. The vest and pad is the same thing. They both require quite a bit of modification to get correct.
Still no new gallery section, so I'll post a couple more in here, this time of the Sgt or whatever he is:





I love the Sgt. and his glasses are weird. Is that an Easter egg or are his glasses supposed to be showing him information? If that is what Bungie meant to do then shouldn't the SI slogans be backwards so he can read them?
im thinking about making the vest these guys wear. I was thinking either A. get a seamstress i know to helm me or B. scratch built it as a hard armor, and cast it out of Flexfoam-it... im leaning more towards casting in flexfoam, this of course would be something i probably wouldnt get to until next spring sometime...if not later.

but i did make up the NMPD logo, as seen in my Sig.
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