Foam Noble 6 help


New Member
Hello happy Easter if you do celebrate i wanted to do a noble 6 cosplay and I haven’t been able to find any templates for EVA foam and was wondering if anyone could please help guide me throughout the journey of creating my very first cosplay it would be much appreciated .
All of our EVA Foam Templates are available in The Armory.

As the player character, Noble 6 can be pretty much whatever Reach Armor you want, however in marketing and merchandise Noble Six is depicted in the Standard Default armor.

This armor can be found here:

And files for the Mark V(b) Helmet, which Noble 6 is depicted wearing in these same merchandise and marketing products can be found here:
All of our EVA Foam Templates are available in The Armory.

As the player character, Noble 6 can be pretty much whatever Reach Armor you want, however in marketing and merchandise Noble Six is depicted in the Standard Default armor.

This armor can be found here:

And files for the Mark V(b) Helmet, which Noble 6 is depicted wearing in these same merchandise and marketing products can be found here:
Thank you so much for the help this helps tremendously.Enjoy the rest of your day!
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