Is this your first pep? I have just completed my first helmet pep as well. I've been working on the Carter helmet. Yours looks really clean and has sharp lines. Great job on the pep portion. The bondo work is looking really nice so far as well. What kind of tool are you using to cut the bondo down? Dremel? Sander?
Also where did you get those refference pics on the helmet up close? I'm very interested in getting some of those , but of the Carter helmet.
I have been trying to find this specific helmet file. The "Noble Six Helmet". Could you toss me a link or let me know where to look? Good luck , looking forward to more progress updates.
Yes its my first pep ^^.
I use my awesome Proxxon dremel, you can see him in the last picture !But sometimes i use Sandpaper !
The ref pics are from google , just zoomed in ,i hope you can use them!
My Helmet is the standart Reach Noble-Six Helmet by Rundown (extrem modded with carboard to get the right details!
One thing you may consider doing is dusting the area you are working on with black paint. I mean a really light coat. Then when you sand you can see low spots and address them one by one. This will also help you get your helmet really smooth and let you see your details better. Great job so far. I like where this is going.
I don't think it's too short. Looks just like the reference pic on your screen.
As for the forearm being too tight: I have the same problem with a Mark VI forearm that otherwise seems to be perfectly scaled. I'll probably resin it and then just sand it a little so it gets wider.