Awesome armor man, seriously the weathering effect looks so real, I can't describe my fascination by it.
Thank you OldFox.
___________________________________ Let the games begin.______________________________
Ok here's the things I learned this week end that could be helpful to others.
First things first. If you take a good set of armor out to the bars You have a very good chance of winning any contest you come across. I won 3 first place this Halloween weekend which means my basic armor is now paid for.
Secondly. When at the bar people are going to take allot of pic with you. But unlike a con this will involve allot of touching and grabbing. This will also involve allot slapping, hitting, pulling and punching. Now you probably ask what do I mean by that so here it go's. The later it gets at the bar the more people want to test you're armor, I was hit hard enuff to crack mine in a few places (all fixable). So if you're going to do a bar route make sure you pad you're suit well or it WILL hurt. I would also build you're suit thick so as not to break under pressure.
Third. Bar crowds don't know how much time and work goes into you're build you have to tell them, Yes this is the secret to winning against the "blond chick in a mini with garters on". Talk to the people around you, show them pic's of how you built you're armor and they will be amazed.
( side note: I don't have anything against the "blond chick with garters on" they can be fun to watch if you're the young and single type.)
Fourth. You're suit IS going to get allot of wear and tear from moving around and such. If you're worried that it took to long to paint you're suit then don't even bother going to the bar with it. You ask what do I mean with wear and tear. Friction alone will wear off some of you're paint. And Dancing will take a good chunk of the paint anywhere parts touch.
Fifth. The more movement the higher the threat that some part or another is going to come loose. Check you're straps, bolts and glued joints before going out to make sure there secure. After a night of dancing and/or walking around I had one of my main thigh straps come loose just as I was going on stage for a contest had to cover it by kneeling in a way that that part couldn't move.
Sixth. From everything you've heard so far this should make sense, Bring a repair kit. Duct tape, hot glue, screws and/or bolts just to name a few.
And last but not least Have fun with it. If you're armor and you are going to take a hit then expect it and prepare for it and go with it. All will be well, both you and you're armor can be cleaned up. Hopefully only you're armor will need repairs.
Ok the next few post should be of the Youmacon. Then I'll be able to go into the repairs and mod's, after that then I'll be doing some add-on's. One of the more simple add-on's is already in the mail and that's my motor-cross jacket. Till then Live, Dream,and Build.