Noble Spartan(mod's/add-on's begin)

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Awesome armor man, seriously the weathering effect looks so real, I can't describe my fascination by it.

Thank you OldFox.

___________________________________ Let the games begin.______________________________

Ok here's the things I learned this week end that could be helpful to others.

First things first. If you take a good set of armor out to the bars You have a very good chance of winning any contest you come across. I won 3 first place this Halloween weekend which means my basic armor is now paid for.

Secondly. When at the bar people are going to take allot of pic with you. But unlike a con this will involve allot of touching and grabbing. This will also involve allot slapping, hitting, pulling and punching. Now you probably ask what do I mean by that so here it go's. The later it gets at the bar the more people want to test you're armor, I was hit hard enuff to crack mine in a few places (all fixable). So if you're going to do a bar route make sure you pad you're suit well or it WILL hurt. I would also build you're suit thick so as not to break under pressure.

Third. Bar crowds don't know how much time and work goes into you're build you have to tell them, Yes this is the secret to winning against the "blond chick in a mini with garters on". Talk to the people around you, show them pic's of how you built you're armor and they will be amazed.

( side note: I don't have anything against the "blond chick with garters on" they can be fun to watch if you're the young and single type.)

Fourth. You're suit IS going to get allot of wear and tear from moving around and such. If you're worried that it took to long to paint you're suit then don't even bother going to the bar with it. You ask what do I mean with wear and tear. Friction alone will wear off some of you're paint. And Dancing will take a good chunk of the paint anywhere parts touch.

Fifth. The more movement the higher the threat that some part or another is going to come loose. Check you're straps, bolts and glued joints before going out to make sure there secure. After a night of dancing and/or walking around I had one of my main thigh straps come loose just as I was going on stage for a contest had to cover it by kneeling in a way that that part couldn't move.

Sixth. From everything you've heard so far this should make sense, Bring a repair kit. Duct tape, hot glue, screws and/or bolts just to name a few.

And last but not least Have fun with it. If you're armor and you are going to take a hit then expect it and prepare for it and go with it. All will be well, both you and you're armor can be cleaned up. Hopefully only you're armor will need repairs. ;) Yes I will be putting a little more padding into mine for next year, But I already know I'm starting to get older (but not quite old yet) ;)

Ok the next few post should be of the Youmacon. Then I'll be able to go into the repairs and mod's, after that then I'll be doing some add-on's. One of the more simple add-on's is already in the mail and that's my motor-cross jacket. Till then Live, Dream,and Build.
Amen to this Thorn,

I have serveral areas where mine cracked due to stress. and one thigh cracked clean through the bottom inner portion. Like you said, nothing that can't be fixed, but being a little more prepared could have eliminated the problem all together.

Also just to add a thought,
If you are going to be wearing your armor for long periods of time I would strongly suggest making as much of the lower sections out of foam that you can. It will make sitting, walking, dancing, and just generally moving much easier over the course of whatever event your at. And lastly, fans are a MUST in the helmets. 3 or 4 would be best and be sure to place them over areas you can create vents.

Congrats on all the wins and can't wait to see the Con pics.
Amen to this Thorn,

I have serveral areas where mine cracked due to stress. and one thigh cracked clean through the bottom inner portion. Like you said, nothing that can't be fixed, but being a little more prepared could have eliminated the problem all together.

Also just to add a thought,
If you are going to be wearing your armor for long periods of time I would strongly suggest making as much of the lower sections out of foam that you can. It will make sitting, walking, dancing, and just generally moving much easier over the course of whatever event your at. And lastly, fans are a MUST in the helmets. 3 or 4 would be best and be sure to place them over areas you can create vents.

Congrats on all the wins and can't wait to see the Con pics.

Thanks Starvinartist80

Ok here is a few of the solo shots from Youmacon that took place in the Detroit Ren. Cen.

Photos are still coming in from the con so I'll post some of the better ones later.


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Not sure if I told you this already but after seeing all the pics, I really like how the color scheme came together. I've always been a fan of adding little areas of color but yours just has a really clean and cohesive look. I'm looking forward to seeing how the add-on's come together. Keep it up man.

Not sure if I told you this already but after seeing all the pics, I really like how the color scheme came together. I've always been a fan of adding little areas of color but yours just has a really clean and cohesive look. I'm looking forward to seeing how the add-on's come together. Keep it up man.

Thank you sir. As always it's an honor to have someone as talented as you watching my build.

I'm going to try starting on some of the mod's in about 3 weeks. I'm note sure how much there will be to post on the starting group it will be mostly sanding and cleaning up edges to make the armor fit better and/or more functional. I can say that with the quick fit on my Biceps at this con made a whole lot of difference.....Oh wait I didn't post that part yet. :D

I had someone hit me in a bicep hard enuff to crack it...bad. So in the little time I had, I cut out the backs on booth biceps and drilled 1 hole each of them. I then drilled a hole in each of the shoulder plates and bolted them together.

Awe man this was just one of the greatest thing to happen at this con. You see that by doing this fix, it also fixed the floating/twisting problem I had with the biceps. It also gave my a whole lot more mobility and opened up the inner core of the suit so that I could regulate my temp easier...... So to that idiot whom hit in the arm I would have to say thanks a million.

Ok so here's a few more pic's from Youmacon and that should all the pic's till the pros post theirs. My next post should be in a few weeks.



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great stuff as always thorn.:)

Thanks Vshore100,

The con was allot of fun. I'm looking forward to getting to work on my suit, I just need to do a little research on LED's yet, not to mention that I'm just not up to cutting and grinding just yet.

Now as I go looking at the weapons dose any one know the name of the sliced tac weapon file. I think I have the file but I can't find it yet, or if you have a better idea for a HD weapons system I'm all ears. Because I need a weapons system that rocks and/or fits me and the Noble6. Thanks.:cool
If you're looking for a place with LEDs I would definitely suggest I think they have 4 different colors, which you can buy with resistors and heat shrink already wired together for 50 cents.
If you're looking for a place with LEDs I would definitely suggest I think they have 4 different colors, which you can buy with resistors and heat shrink already wired together for 50 cents.

Thank you alecgates15.
This looks great as a one stop shop for LED's.:D

:confusedNow all I need to do read the LED tut so as to learn what it is I'm looking at and/or need for a project. And lets not forget load test so that I know the min/max I can get out of series of LED's on one battery.

All well it'll be fun. So if you see a bright light coming from my home office don't worry it's just me playing with LED's :)

And Thanks again alecgates15 you don't know how much you just helped me :D
No problem, I'm glad I could help. The max I could get out of a 9v was 3 in series, but I needed 4 so I wired 2 in series and 2 in parallel and that seemed to work just fine. So there's a max of 3 in series and I'm assuming you can do as many as you need in parallel. Hope that helps.
No problem, I'm glad I could help. The max I could get out of a 9v was 3 in series, but I needed 4 so I wired 2 in series and 2 in parallel and that seemed to work just fine. So there's a max of 3 in series and I'm assuming you can do as many as you need in parallel. Hope that helps.
Yes sir, It gives me a good idea of what to look for and how to go about it. Thank you greatly you have saved me many hours of researching/reading the forms. :cool Love how you're Build turned out by the way. :D You do really nice work.

Ok now that I have a little bit of an idea on LED's Then next question would be whats this El-wire and how easy is it to work with? Any input would be helpful. And of course if any one would like to save me a whole lot of time......Some pic of light placement would really help.

And as always, Please feel free to leave any and all input, comments, criticisms, or suggestions. For they are most welcomed and appreciated. (they also keep me from triple posting.) Thanks for watching my build. :D
I don't have any experience on El-wire, but here's a diagram of my light placement. If this is a bit to messy for you I can always get some pictures of my actual parts.


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Ok. So I sanded the edges down on the forearms and biceps, And took the thighs down a hair also. I should be getting to the lights just after the Holidays. After that I'll see what I can do with some of the coloring, chips and stuff. Who knows I might even get to a weapon before spring, But I wont count on it just yet. I say this because I know the Honey-do list is getting pretty long by now, and well....I have to keep the wife happy also. So till the next post. Don't be afraid to Live, Build,and Dream.

And as always, Please feel free to leave any and all input, comments, criticisms, and/or suggestions. For they are most welcomed and appreciated. (they also keep me from triple posting.) Thanks for watching my build. :cool

Here's the latest and greatest Photo


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Wow! This is great, REALLY GREAT! This is so inspired it is making me wish I had built THIS armor rather than working on the MKVI. I guess I can always build two!
Those last two pics you posted are insanely awesome looking!. That pose in intimidating to say the least.:)
Great build man, personally the best noble 6 ive seen on 405th
Thank you kindly Sir.
Wow! This is great, REALLY GREAT! This is so inspired it is making me wish I had built THIS armor rather than working on the MKVI. I guess I can always build two!
Thank you, I've been watching you're build, it's coming along nicely you should be done in no time.
Those last two pics you posted are insanely awesome looking!. That pose in intimidating to say the least.:)

Thanks vshore, those 2 pic's are about the closest I've seen to the real colors as seen by the human eye. This paint job seem to take on a life all its own, by that I mean it seem to bring out the colors of the things around it. If you look at all the pic's so far you'll start to see it. So Yes those are my 2 Favorite pic's as of right now.

Thank you again, vshore for hanging with me for most of this build so far. You and a few others are the driving force of my motivation who knows I might even catch up with you guys some day, Or get something in the Elite section like the others, one of this days. :) ....

And to everyone else whom have been silently watching my build, you know who you are. thank you. :cool

And as always, Please feel free to leave any and all input, comments, criticisms, and/or suggestions. For they are most welcomed and appreciated. (they also keep me from triple posting.) Thanks for watching my build. and remember.....You're dreams are always within REACH.
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