Noble VI Foam & Pepakura PIC HEAVY WIP

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Finished Kukri Knife

So got excited about the progress on the knife and decided to go a head and finish the damn thing, so, here you go, enjoy.
Cut and carved out handle out of foam.
Silver coat, with handle fully assembled
Prepping the handle for plastidip
Finished product.

Im liking the final product but I was thinking of adding something extra to it, I have a color-changing spray paint that Ive had for years and it just happens to be the same color as Covenant metal in the game-play, I was thinking about going over the handle with that, make it into a handle that was carved from a Ghost or something. Anybody wanna weigh in an opinion?
Nice progress. Everything is coming along great and looking pretty good. :) Also, where exactly did you find that cusioned kitchen mat? That material looks like it would be good to create the inner thigh piece (soft area) because right now, I was going to use craft foam, but I have a fear that the stuff would rip too easy under pressure and since it will be around part of my thigh, I don't know how well it would hold up! D:
Thanks guys, Im feelin the love, lol.

@HaloGoddess, I found it at WalMart, its in the kitchen decoration area with all the hand-towels and floor mats. its only about a quarter inch thick, and I actually had the same thought at first that it might rip, but then I realized that its gonna be three overlapping pieces and it should be fine. But in my fears I started another search and found a different mat, in sporting goods right next to where I found my foam mats, thats got the same exact look as the kitchen mat, only its more rigid, and allot larger, its actually ment to protect the floor for large exercise equipment, I think thats the route I wanna go, only because theres more and I want the same look on the chest pieces under-suit as well. Well, I hope this helps!
Shin Pep File: Foam Thigh Stencil by L3X BLU3RIV3R

Hey everybody, got a small update for you all, first off, I am no longer tied to a deadline. I found out that I actually wont be working the event at work for Halloween so I dont need to worry about a costume anymore. Life is simpler without deadlines. lol.

Okay so here is the start of my progress for my shin piece, I am excited of how this piece is coming together at this point, this is the first piece that Ive used the heatgun on, and its shaping out nicely. Will have it fully finished tomarrow after work, will upload the finished pics then, until then heres the progress, enjoy!






This is one of the curves I was able to do with the heatgun, this divot would have not been possible with beveling




Shin, Finished

So after a lot of slacking, and alot of sanding, here it is the finished product. Will paint it up tomorrow. Im happy the way it turned out, and now with one leg put together, its starting to take shape.










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Soft Case, Freehand

Close to finished my softcase today it needs plastidip and paint, then i can fix all the buckles on.

Handdrew the base and cut it out

Added bottom and sidewalls




And as a little extra, I edited ,my knife. I wasnt satisfied withe the silver paint so i got chrome, and its currently coming along nicely

Roughed it up real good to get rid of old paint

And theres the new color. Shiny :)
Biceps Pep File: Foam Bicep by L3X BLU3RIV3R

Ive started the bicep piece and I have to say, this piece is a bitch.:angry All the little pieces are hard to first cut out, and even worse to try and bevel. This is the second bicep that I have started and I'm being very careful, but unfortunately not very patient. I got burnt out on it last night, and this is the progress that Ive made so far. Will post more photos soon as the piece is complete.


Kudos on your build and on your computer's background image! I like the way you put the "diamond plate" pattern on certain areas. It adds an element of badassery simply unheard of in non-foam builds.
DMR Pep File: Sliced DMR L3xBlu3r1v3r

Started a DMR today, needed a break from the armor, wanted to try something new and exciting, lol, J/P, the real reason being I had planned to work on my chest piece, but I forgot to charge the battery to my dremel, and by the time it charged, well, I was caught up.

So here we are, the progress on my DMR, my original plan was to disassemble one of my air-soft rifles and use the innards inside the foam to make a fully functional air-soft DMR. However, my only bullpup gun (a gun where clip loads in rear of gun instead of front) is a little more expensive than my comfort level with ruining. Also, in planning out the disassembly and reassembly into the DMR, I discovered that Bungie designed a seriously flawed weapon, lol, well at least for real life standards, and it wasn't gonna be possible to do what I wanted...sigh. So I set about making it out of boring old foam. Neverthless, it should still be awesome.

Reference Photo:


Traced out the gun, but as you notice, I left the grip largely untraced, the reason for this is because I wanted to do more of a custom grip, more like a couple of guns that I own with comfortable grips.




Playing with the pep file, I noticed that if I was gonna use the original shape, my hand would barely fit, and the trigger would be too low, not wanting to change the overall size of the gun rescaling for this one piece, I began to improvise.



My first cutout, I focused purely on making the handle bigger and more hand friendly. It worked, kinda, as you can see the trigger came out in a very awkward position, so after the failure, I stopped trying to combine my guns features with the pep file, and pulled a reference pic of the DMR, and noticed some big variances, combining the three, it came out nicely.



Now with all issues resolved, and a fully traced file, I could do the first slice.






Very enthused with the progress so far, once its completed and painted, it'll look pretty bad ass. The barrel and scope is from one of my guns I disassembled in a further attempt to make this gun functional. Will be modifying both pieces for better game accuracy. Also I robbed some of the rail system from the gun as well to use, instead of carving it out.
Dude i love all the foam work!!

You are quite skilled, and that DMR looks very promising. Ill have to keep an eye out for the progress on that!

Keep up the good work spartan!
i really think foam may be the best way for armor. i was going to do rondo but it may be a little too heavy. i know im not there yet, but do you have any tips for cutting foam?
Well I just use an exacto knife, and I consistently buy out all the replacement blades at WalMart, a new blade goes through like butter, and also has a light layer of grease applied to it which makes it easier when doing the cutting motions. The blades dull really fast however, and will start to tear at the foam rather than cut. So pretty much a fresh blade and lots of patience. Another method is a hot knife, they ate supposed to be alot easier, I haven't tried, I'm fine with my xacto. Well hope that helps, and good luck with ur build :)
you know, for the hot blade. i would get a spare exacto and have a lit candle. cut when it gets cool hold it to the knife again.....thinking about it. you may want to wrap the handle so you dont burn
Honestly, its easy enuf without the heat, im not even concerned to try it, and if the edges are tattered, thats what i have the dremel for sanding the edges down for.
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