===Noble XERO Sangheili General Build Thread===

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Hey guys. quick update on the build status:

Got the ducttape dummy completed. these nifty creations make perfect standins for your construction needs. mine's in the garage now. my only complaint is i cant find enough things to stuff it with~ They do take up alot of space, so consider your storage options when making one.

Also started cutting the pieces for my armor. I'm starting small since with the cold weather i can't gt much done. We had a spot of warmer weather yesterday, so i got outside and did some molding and assembly. Also got to do a coat of Bondo so I can start detailing. Sadly its too cold today to do anything.

I'd get pictures but right now I just don't care. just had an argument with my mom about my father's drinking habits.

Man's going to kill himself with all that alcohol and if he keeps it up, he might actually be dead to me before he kicks the bucket.

Either way, expect updates from me as soon as this cold weather breaks. (We're expecting snow tomorrow. Lovely.)
I would love to make a suit of elite armor to wear, I may try when I get my other projects done. The only problem I would really have is the head, I would need to figure out a good way to make one.
@killjoy95: Thanks! I definatly have alot of respect for them :)

@mitch35542: I will be posting progress shots of my elite head, so you'll see how I make em! I'm going to be borrowing ALOT of techniques from my fursuit making hobby so best start googling various techniques on how to many fursuit heads. There's a few dozen ways to do it, so find one you like.

@Im not pepping anything. I dont have any 3D models. I'm making all the armor from scratch using EVA and good ole fashioned fine tooling.

Overall im rather excited about this build and im slowly gaining speed as i wrap up other projects not related to cosplay. (As a freelance artists i occasionalyl collect commissioned art requests. got a few still to whipe off my slate before i can dedicate all my time to my Sangheili project)
I'm definatly eager to be wearing it during Akon, As I recently got contacted by a handful of ODST that'll be making an appearence. Hopefully we'll travel as a merry band for photoops!

Also! im ALSO going to build a grav hammer and energy sword! (maybe as a joke, carry around a bomb >.> <.<)..ITS OFFICIAL I HAVE TO PAINT MY ARMOR ORANGE. *happysqueal*
whoo double post! 8D

anywhoosits. got some Pictures and a video for you guys. Woulda had this for you guys last night but jewtube was in read-only mode and i didnt have the patience or stamina to stay up until 2 am(Darn this unpredicable weather. Saps the energy right outta ya..)


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I fixed your video link. I think you are taking on a hard task and doing a great job at it. I did notice one thing that was rather upsetting....you put yourself done. You have great skills and in a world like this you will realize people are more likely to be impressed with your talent than how you think you look. Keep your head high and keep the work flowing.

Wow Thanks so much ithica! I was pretyt confused on the embedding thing so I really appreciate that.

And it may look like im putting myself down but in all reality I make a joke out of my weight. I mean, the rest of the world is going to, so why not I? I'm a goof and I know it :)i'd rather die happy than miserable~ I'm glad you like the progress tho! and trust me, the excitement of getting to wear the end result is enough to keep me pushing :D its even more fun wen you're at a con and everyone just flips out!


So, i've been spending the last several days working on the single gauntlet.. its taking a rediculous amount of time. for every hole i filled, i wound up sanding in more. so this evening I was going to fill the holes with cley. sculpey to be exact.

I learned very quickly that Bondo/Rondo softens significantly once hit with extreme heat(in excess of 700 degrees) as i applied the heat gun to cure the Sculpey. Add on top of that the fact that EVA expands marginally when heated and you've got a blowout.

I need a material that cures with minimal shrinkage, air-cures, and can be worked with with bare hands. I dont like gloves because it makes working with things hard. i have shorter fingers so the gloves dont fit well. It also cant run much. Filling with bondo is frustrating because of the prep required to use it. It also runs under its own weight

at this rate my armor's going to take a while! (though all masterpieces are this way).





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Oi just a heads up. Updates will be delayed. For some reason my region is havintrouble connecting to 405th. So im posting this message with my phone. Sorry guys.
EDIT: my brother called around and we managed to trace the connection poblems to 405th's web provider. i forget the name. Either way some IDIOT in my region decided to D-Dos 405th so the company just blocked my whole area (shreveport/bossier) to stop the attacks since it was coming from multiple IP addresses simaltaniously.

They've since unbanned our area. I just hope the morons responsible for the attack get what's coming to em.

I have a sneaking suspicion I MIGHT know who did it >_>
well. We've had fabulously warm weather the last 2 days. Certainly preferd to snow, ice and COLD.

As such i've been doing more work on the gauntlets. But tonight something clicked in my head and i wasn't very pleased with them anymore. I realised that i wouldnt be having as many problems as I am now if I had better prepared the work faces. at the time i didnt have high grit sanding wheels or paper so widdling away at the foam with 400 grit was tediuous, thus leading to my impatience.

So I'm cutting out a new set that i'll assemble and bondo tomorrow. I imagine it'll take me a day or two to get where I am on the current set. not much of a delay.

(the current set is also horribly asysmetrical. it bothers the crud out of me).

Xero out.
Hey folks. another update, with a little bit of content this time. i've been making painfully sloow progress on the gauntlets because frankly, im not sure what I really want to DO with them. im not sure if i just want to finish them as is, or just make casts of the master i've finished of the left )they're mirrored). i think casts would be the better choice since these are the gauntlets and they'll likely be subjected to collissions regularly, and we all know Bondo isnt very sturdy.

Anyways, i dug through my pep files that i've gradually collected and found an Elite chest from the 405th pack that's floating around here somewhere. I also found that i can use pepakura to export back into OBJ, so i did that and teaked it in zbrush to match the general shape of the general elite's chestplate from Halo Reach.

Here's the Zbrush previews (before i fixed a few of the crooked Polygons)

And here's a link to the PDO file, unfolded and ready for you to assemble!! (A fair warning. this is technically 'Low Poly', and is not an accurate depiction of the final result. Instead this model is good as a base from which you can modify and change as you desire. best suited for the halo reach elite characters. I cant guarentee the arm holes will fit, as i'll likely be trimming mine as I work.

Sangheili General Chest piece low-rez

And here's a link to the OBJ in the event you'd like to modify it or do a significantly better job than myself. the modelling work is rough and kind of pathetic as im only beggining to learn meshing in zbrush. i've been using it for a completely different reason since 08(second life sculpties), so ya..

Sangheili general chest piece zbrush OBJ

Remember, I modified this from another file. I only take credit for the modifications, and unfolding the PDO file.


I recommend using a tape ruler to measure from the corner of your jawbone (below your ear) to the bottom of your rib cage. Don't wrap the tape to the contours of your body. you just want a straight measurement. for instance that distance on me is roughly 18 inches. i'm also only 5'2. im also a round person so i made this chest piece a little 'rounder', and less oval like you skinny minnies :p Whatever number you come up with is the 'Height' of the model. that's the easiest dimension to measure and fit, i guess. but do it however you feel. :D

Enjoy :) i hope this is of some use to you.


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sorry this isnt getting much attention :/ from what ive seen though its very good and i cant wait to see what you come up with.

nice file find too
its fine :) this thread is still in its infancy. I dont expect it to really take off until i actually make /decent/ progress. Hell some of my favorite threads are 3 years old. I think i've read through thorlossi's and longshot's threads at least a dozen times each now and they didnt hit their stride till like page 50. so i'm cool and content with sharing my work to a few. :)
Great work so far, I'm in the process of creating a Brute Chieftain build we need more Covenant characters to thin out the Spartan population :)
yey more Covie! I actually wanna do a Hunter suit for Akon next year. I think that'd be an incredible build.

Another day i plan to do Grunt from Mass effect 2. I have the perfect body for it hahaha.

Anyways here's s'more shots. I havent posted pictures of my work so i took some today. i started on the handplate last night Been singing to the tune of bondo and sand and bondo and sand ever since.


sanded hand plate.


Gauntlet with a coat of primer. I'm going to fix a few more of the little pits but i rather like the imperfections. (plus i'm lazy and have given up on perfection)


Hand plate with a coat of primer. it lacks the rest of the details as those will be sculpted in using Apoxie Sculpt. (easiest to work on cause i'll be perched on the couch infront of the xbawx. no need to fill up my fileshare with reference shots.

And lastly.. not exactly 405th related, but i'm still damn proud of this either way ;) Chances are I paid way too much for it but i bought it from a friend for 300. she needed cash and i really wanted a giant halo reach vinyl poster.

I love having friends that work at Walmart :D



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