Noob looking for help! =]

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New Member
Hi my name is Marlon and I am in the process of trying to make two pepped Mark VI armor.
I finished one of the helmets for my friend using DanniFood4Less' pep file. The helmet is okay, but if I could get some Bondo t should fix up the mistakes.

So anyways I was going to ask if the Mark VI helmet by FlyingSquirrel should be scaled down for me? I am 5'3" with a very, very, VERY, thin build.

Here is what I have finished:

Also please don't ask for updates because I won't really have the time for much pepping due to school. Also please post nicely and if you must criticize, use constructive criticism... =] :D

- Marlon

P.S. This is a great forum!!!!!
Hopefully you meant NOOB and did not mean NUDE... lol

You should always rescale the files to fit yourself. There are a handful of threads around the site explaining how to do this. Look in the Noob forum and read the sticky posts, youll find the answers in there. Its a lot of reading, but it will save you a lot of posts like this. Theres a lot to learn, but its all here... it jst takes a little research!
Measure from your chin to the middle top point of your head and add 1 inch for padding. Than convert to mm. This is what i did and I have done that pep file a few times. Best of luck

Haha sorry I really did mean "Noob". Okay I will try re-scaling to my head. I just hope I don't mess up and end up remaking a whole new head.

With my head scaling I get 279.4 mm when the file is 265 mm...
I'm not sure if I should scale or not...
The first helmet I made (image above) was 264 mm and is a little roomy.
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