not official - midwest patch (longsword)


Well-Known Member
Member DIN
Hey All,

I have been working on a bit of a pet project and I just finished it. (to my satisfaction anyway.)

I know that the leadership is still working on actual official patches for each Battalion, but I figured I could have some fun with some designs of my own.

To reiterate these are not official and just for fun. I have some variation too! everybody can have a patch!

I haven't bothered to try and set up any store page or anything so the image can just be downloaded and sent to whatever sticker/patchmaker you like to use.

Without further ado here they are:

405thlongsword patch3.png405thlongsword patchfinal9.png405thlongsword patchfinal8.png405thlongsword patchfinal7.png
405thlongsword patch1.png405thlongsword patchfinal5.png405thlongsword patchfinal2.png405thlongsword patchfinal1.png
405thlongsword patch2.png405thlongsword patchfinal6.png405thlongsword patchfinal4.png405thlongsword patchfinal3.png
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