Now it's our turn to do something amazing......

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I knew it looked like yours (how could I forget, I still want one) but I remember seeing build pics for a recon on kaspers Photobucket.
That's one sweet looking helm! I've got Mat's dimensions and am printing out the chest peace right now, I'll start to cut it out tonight and should have some progress pics by the end of the week.
Have we changed the chest peace for this build? I've already started pepping the Jorge chest and I don't have the security chest file at all. I just need to know if I should continue or scrap this and start over.
Have we changed the chest peace for this build? I've already started pepping the Jorge chest and I don't have the security chest file at all. I just need to know if I should continue or scrap this and start over.

I'm sorry I posted the change. I thought you seen it.
SO is the security chest just a regular Reach chest with an attachment on the front or is it completely different. If it's just an attachment I have the Reach chest but not the security attachment. I still want to build the chest i just need to know which one I'm building.
I'm pretty sure it's a standard Reach chest with a attachment on the chest. ROG a lot of us make molded Master Chief helmets. What I'm wondering is what does your family think of all this?
OMG it looks just like the real thing!! It's awesome!! I love it! can you make a Masterchief helmet just by curiosity? Wow you did an amazing job on that recon helmet! It looks like you just took it out of the tv screen!

Yes, the level of realism that people can achieve is truly.... LEGENDARY.

Heehee, get it? I'm pretty proud of that pun :p

But in all seriousness Mat, if it exists in the Haloverse then someone has found a way to make it. There's a lot of innovation on these forums. If a file for a particular armour piece doesn't exist, somebody will make it. It's actually really cool to watch :)
Took a que from Justinian and ordered some Dye paintball elbow pads for the gauntlets to build upon.
Still don't know your forearm size, ROG...
Ok just printed out the Reach Torso V3 modeled and unfolded by L3X and am starting to cut it out. I will build the security upgrade when I have the chest pepped out.
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